** Christmas Belle

Marquis Productions,

Haylie Duff, Nicholas Gonzalez, C. Thomas Howell, Mark Famiglietti, Sheree J. Wilson

Belle (Haylie Duff) works for her slave master Dad, and he sends her out on a job just before Christmas. They are selling the Lowell Mansion which was inherited by Hunter Lowell (Nicholas Gonzalesz). Belle is warned by the locals that Hunter is a hard one to deal with, and they weren’t kidding. He’s extremely rude and downright mean, but as Belle contines her work of documenting the house and all it’s contents, including an extremely valuable library collection, Hunter starts to soften up a bit. But when Belle’s finance arrives the sparks really begin to fly!

This new ION TV Christmas Movie premier for 2013 is a nice romantic comedy with some interesting events going on. I’m not a big fan of the Duff sisters, but there’s no doubt that Halie is the better of the two, and she does an admirable job of holding down the lead in this film. The townsfolk add some color, and the romantic struggles are fun to watch. The ending, especially, though predictable, is really interesting. It’s a nice little holiday film that has the house itself as one of the major stars. This house is very beautiful. The movie is light and fun, and is a nice little holiday diversion. ION has done a good job this year of bringing us some really good holiday premier films.

[Click here for the ION Television page for this film. There is a preview on this page.]

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