Warner Bros. Pictures, Village Roadshow Pictures, Silver Pictures

Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Noomi Rapace, Jared Harris, Eddie Marsan, Rachel McAdams, Kelly Reilly, Geraldine James

Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey, Jr.) and his friend Doctor Watson (Jude Law) are fighting the toughest opponent yet, someone who loves games and puzzles as much as Holmes does. He’s Professor Moriarty (Jared Harris). Watson is getting married, and Holmes manages to screw up the whole thing with a little help from his brother Mycroft (Stephen Fry) who loves calling him Sherly, and a gypsy named Sim (Noomi Rapace).

It took some getting used to seeing the way Downey plays Sherlock. Basil Rathbone he’s not! He’s more of a James (Wild Wild) West kind of guy, cheeky, and reckless, brilliant, and clever beyond belief, as he stumbles his way through the the case. I’m getting used to it now, and he’s actually insane, I’m convinced, as most geniuses are I guess. 🙂 But there is one trick that they use in this movie that I really enjoyed, and I haven’t really noticed it being used as well as how they do it in this film. Suddenly at a moment of great danger, everything stops, freezes, and then Holmes “sees” how it’s going to go and predicts what will happen in extreme slow motion. Then, it picks right up at the freeze frame, and the adventure happens, sometimes as he predicts, and sometimes with surprising (to us as well as to him) turnabouts that change everything. It’s a very clever way to play it.

I really enjoyed Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock Holmes, once again, and this story certainly matches up and exceeds the previous ones too. It was well worth watching. Try to catch this film in the theater if you can, as it’s really worth watching it on the big screen. This is one of the best of the new films for the holiday season, in my opinion. I love the clever twists and turns, and this is my kind of movie.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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