New in theaters this weekend Friday July 27, 2012
- The Watch
- Step Up Revolution
- Ruby Sparks
- Killer Joe
- Searching for Sugar Man
- Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry
- Sacrifice
- Klown
- Big Boys Gone Bananas!
- Falling Overnight
“The Watch” (Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Johna Hill, Will Forte, etc) is about a bunch of guys who form a Neighborhood Watch group mostly for fun, but when the find the town overrun with Aliens things get out of hand quickly. “Step up: Revolution” is the next in a long line of so you think you can dance in the street films. Folks will see it….You know who you are. “Killer Joe” (Matthew McConaughey, Emile Hirsch, Thomas Hayden Church, Gina Gershon) is an NC-17 film about a drug dealer whose stash was stolen by his mother. He’s got to come up with six grand in a very big hurry.
Other new films this week are “Ruby Sparks”, a romantic comedy, “Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry”, a Chinese documentary about a famous artist, “Big Boys Gone Bananas!*”, another documentary made by Sweedish documentarian Fredrik Gertten about a lawsuit brought by workers against Dole Food Company in Nicaragua.
“Falling Overnight”, a drama about a little boy about to undergo surgery to remove a brain tumor. “Iron Sky” a sci-fi adventure that has an interesting plot where in the final days of WWII, the last of the Nazis took off in a rocket to the dark side of the moon where they’ve been living ever since while planning their revenge attack on Earth. There are a few other very limited release films as well.
Last Weeks top Box Office:
1 – The Dark Knight Rises
2 – Ice Age: Continental Drift
3 – The Amazing Spider-Man
4 – Ted
5 – Brave