New in theaters this weekend Friday August 31, 2012
- Lawless
- The Possession
- For a Good Time, Call…
- The Ambassador
- Little Birds
- The Tall Man
- The Good Doctor
- Breathing
- The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure
- Chicken with Plums
Lots of new releases coming out this week. “Lawless” with Shia LeBeouf, is a true story of the infamous Bondurant Brothers who were bootleggers. “The Possession” is a horror film based on another alleged true story of a girl who becomes obsessed with a wooden box she got at a garage sale, as the spirit in the box takes her over. “Little Birds” tells us the story of two 15 year old girls who are friends despite struggling to survive on the shores of the Salton Sea which once was a up and coming playground for the rich, but has deteriorated into a slum. “For a Good Time, Call…” is a tale of two complete opposites who become roommates out of financial necessity. When one finds out the other is a phone sex operator, it seems like an easy way to make a living. “The Ambassador” is a documentary about a man who is a con artist selling fake documents and credentials and exploiting war in third world countries. “The Tall Man” is a film with Jessica Biel as a mom who learns her son has been abducted like many other children in the town, who sets out to find out the truth. “The Good Doctor” features Orlando Bloom as a young doctor eager to fit in and to prove he is worthy as his ambition turns into obsession. “Breathing” tells us about a man who through his work in the morgue during his incarceration learns a lot about himself and his destiny in life. “The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure” is a highly interactive film for kids and their parents where the audience is encouraged to sing and dance with the actors on the screen. Finally there’s “Chicken with Plums” is an Iranian film that documents a man who’s joy in life was music, but who’s violin was broken. He decides to go to bed and just wait for death to come and put him out of his misery.
Last Weeks top Box Office:
1 – The Expendables 2
2 – The Bourne Legacy
3 – ParaNorman
4 – The Campaign
5 – The Dark Knight Rises