Gotham Group, TSG Entertainment, Temple Hill Entertainment,

Dylan O’Brien, Kaya Scodelario, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Will Poulter, Aidan Gillen, Rosa Salazar, Giancarlo Esposito, Nathalie Emmanuel, Barry Pepper, Lili Taylor

Part Two of “The Maze Runner” series is upon us. In the first film, young people woke up in a place with no idea how they got there and with their memory erased. They managed to figure out the key to the maze they were really in and how to work it and at the end, they were rescued from the maze from some nice gentlemen who promised them safety. This picks up right after when they arrive at the holding destination waiting for their opportunity to be transferred to the safe haven where they would be able to live safe and free. Thomas (Dylan O’Brien) was obviously someone really special and valuable to WCKD, a powerful scientific corporation who is trying to find the cure for the curse which changed most of the Earth into zombie like creatures infected with a highly contagious disease. Thomas is skeptical of who is holding them and about the safe and free idea, and he does some detective work which ends up with the team of Gladers from his maze and some others on a journey through The Scorch, the burned remains of what used to be Earth looking for answers. The journey is anything but safe and free.

This is an excellent sequel to the first Maze Runner movie. I haven’t had the time to read the books, but as you know there are many of these kind of similar adventures that all started with Harry Potter, and then through the Twilight series, then on to such as Hunger Games and Divergent, and I’m sure you can think of a couple others. This is similar, but unique in a big way. It’s extremely well written and very exciting to watch. Non-stop adventure and action sequences, big explosions, car chases, gun battles and everything you could wish for in an action adventure. The cast is really good, and all are well cast. We have a mix of ethnic and cultural representatives. To offset the white guy, there is an Asian guy, an Indian guy, a Black Guy, etc. Politically correctness — check. But the story is so well done, and the settings and CGI of the destroyed Earth is breath taking. But the key is the excellent story and stunning suspense. The cliff hanger ending is a perfect lead-in for the third film, and I can’t wait. This is a big screen kind of movie, and I was glad I saw this in the theater with excellent sound and a brilliant picture. It’s an epic film and one that should be seen. I really enjoyed this, as much as the other big franchises in this genre, and I highly recommend it for you to enjoy.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Blitz Films, Lionsgate

Jason Statham, Paddy Considine, David Morrissey, Aidan Gillen, Richard Riddell, Zawe Ashton, Ian Hughes, Nicky Henson, Luke Evans

The Blitz (Aidan Gillen) is a special kind of serial killer. He is hell bent on killing the entire police force one by one. Detective Sergeant Tom Brant (Jason Statham) is assigned to track down the killer while dealing with his own aggression issues with a police psychiatrist. As the self proclaimed “Blitz” gets more and more brazen, he keeps slipping through their fingers time and time again. When they finally pin him down, there just isn’t enough evidence to convict. So what can they do?

Filmed in London, this is a British film. It’s not the typical action film that Jason Stathem is known for. Also the story is very predictable and quite common. This is a cop gone rogue film, hell bent on revenge and willing to break all the rules to get what he wants. Unfortunately it doesn’t really work all that well. It’s not a bad cops and robbers flick, but there’s no new ground here either. It’s a middle of the road cop action flick that is just what it tries to be, so if it’s a genre you’re fond of, you probably will enjoy it, but it’s probably not worth the effort if you’re not as you’re not going to see anything new here.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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