Sutures LLC

Andrew Prine, Jason London, Carlos Lauchu, Allison Lange, Kate French, B.J. Britt, Azie Tesfai, Nick Holmes, C.J. Thomason, Jeff Burr, Lisette Bross

A group of college kids cross paths with Alexander Tatum (Carlos Lauchu) a masterful surgeon teamed up with a ruthless businessman who is making a fortune selling spare body parts for the highest bidder. These kids are in a lot of trouble as they are wanted for spare parts in this gory slasher film.

This is not a bad film in the slasher genre, which really thinks it’s a detective flick. It is bloody and gory, and very creepy. It’s a bit of a different take on the genre, as there is a back story of why the people are acting the way they are. It’s a B movie for sure, and very low budget, but they saved some of the budget for blood and guts, and lots of screams. It’s a decent slasher, and probably one you’ve never heard of before, so if you’re a fan of this type of horror film, give it a try.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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