Maven Pictures, Anonymous Content, Ambush Entertainment,

Kristen Wiig, Annette Bening, Matt Dillon, Darren Criss, Christopher Fitzgerald, June Diane Raphael, Natasha Lyonne, Bob Balaban

Imogene (Kristen Wiig) is a failed N.Y. Playwright who’s failed career and suicide attempt causes her to be forced to move back home with her wacky Mom, Zelda (Annette Benning) and her new far out boyfriend George (Matt Dillon) who claims to the “The Bousche” (George Boushce, get it?) from the CIA. To add further insult to her situation, she finds a strange man, Lee (Darren Criss) who sings in a Backstreet Boys Cover Band living in her old room. Her life goes from bad to worse as everyone believes she’s insane and a suicide risk, but everyone around is literally driving her crazy for real.

This movie was a pleasant surprise. I didn’t expect much. I found it streaming on NetFlix and it sounded a little bit interesting, but I found it really entertaining. The biggest problem I had with it was that Kristin Wiig, although a great actress and comedienne, seemed much too old to play a character this young. Now perhaps the story was about a somewhat more mature lady, but the way she acted and behaved, she gave me the impression she was in her mid 20’s. That was really the only part that didn’t strike me as just right. But she did a good job, and carried the movie, although this is an ensemble cast for sure and there are some big names and great characters in this little film. Matt Dillon is actually hysterical in his role as Zelda’s boyfriend and does a great job. Darren Criss also plays his role well, and Annette Benning is stellar. All in all this is was a much, much funnier movie that I ever expected, and I really found myself interested in the story and how it was going to work out. I was very pleased with this film, and if you’re in the mood for some silly and lighthearted comedy, this is an unusual story that comes in from left field and wraps up nicely in the end. I enjoyed it, and I’m glad I invested the time to watch this.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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This Is That Productions, Ambush Entertainment, Crimson Bolt

Rainn Wilson, Ellen Page, Liv Tyler, Kevin Bacon, Gregg Henry, Michael Rooker, Andre Royo, Sean Gunn, Stephen Blackehart, Linda Cardellini, Nathan Fillion

Frank D’Arbo (Rainn Wilson) loses his wife Sarah (Liv Tyler) to a drug kingpin Jacques (Kevin Bacon). While in the throes of depression at the loss of his wife, he thinks he hears the voice of God who tells him to don a costume and turn into The Crimson Bolt! Frank has a desire to set the world right, and takes his bumbling superhero character to heart, but his weapon of choice is a pipe wrench. In the beginning this is just silly, but he actually wields a pretty mean pipe wrench. Soon he meets Libby (Ellen Page) who is a clerk in a comic book store but who figures out that Frank is The Crimson Bolt. Tagging along after him, and taking upon herself the title “Boltie” she becomes his sidekick much to Frank’s chagrin. What follows is a raucous, yet heart felt romp through the realms of crime and punishment.

This is another regular man, loser, wanna be superhero. This genre has been done before. But Rainn Wilson in his most cynical “Dwight Schroot” mood, and is really funny while he’s being introspective. This guy plays sarcasm like a Stradivarius! Ellen Page is also good as the wanna be sidekick, and she’s got her sarcastic self going as well. This is not totally original, but still is a pretty funny film, and they do some serious introspection that makes the whole thing worthwhile. I enjoyed it. If you are bored with the depressed loser guy trying his hand at super hero-dom, then stay away, but if you can handle another one, this one, I think, put last year’s “Kick-ass” to shame. Rainn and Ellen did an excellent job together.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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