Six Entertainment

Dieter Laser, Ashley C. Williams, Ashlynn Yennie, Akihiro Kitamura, Andreas Leupold, Peter Blankenstein

Two American girls, Lindsay (Ashley C. Williams) and Jenny (Ashlynn Yennie), on a holiday in Germany, are off to a party when they get lost and their car breaks down. They seek help and wind up at a remote villa — and soon find themselves trapped in a nightmare. Dr. Josef Heiter (Dieter Laser) kidnaps them for his demented experiment to create a human “centipede.” The plan includes removing their kneecaps so they must walk on all fours, then surgically connecting them mouth to anus to a Japanese man to create a bizarre human chain.

Often cited as the most disgusting film ever made, I obviously had to see it. Believe it or not, this is a trilogy, and there are rumored to be two more of these coming along. Certainly the concept of the first person feeding the second person and the second person feeding the third person is rather disgusting and may make you want to lose your lunch. But really, it’s not so bad watching this. It is a bizarre concept, and really weirdly performed. The Japanese guy doesn’t speak anything but Japanese, and he’s really pissed at being caught in this web. Meanwhile, the doctor is German, but speaks English all the time (for our benefit, not the girls I guess). It’s not nearly as disgustingly shown as it is described, and is not very graphic, really. But the acting is very amateur and the dialog is crap. Also the executing leaves a LOT to be desired. The police are extremely stupid and the doctor is an ass. All in all it’s like a bunch of high school kids thought up the concept and tried to film it on their Dad’s video camera. Not really scary, and you don’t really care about the dumb dames or the Japanese guy either, so there’s not payoff if they do escape.

Really the only reason to watch this, is the same reason I watched it. Just to say I did when some guy someday asks, “Has anyone ever seen The Human Centepede?” I’ll be able to say, Yeah, it was awful! This is Watch Instantly on Netflix, and if they do lose all the Starz movies, along with Mash, Green Acres, Friends, and Barney episodes, it may be all that’s left to stream in a few months, so you may not have much choice. 🙂

Ok, so I saw it, now what?

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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