New Line Cinema
Jessica Alba, Kathy Bates, Jessica Biel, Bradley Cooper, Eric Dane, Patrick Dempsey, Hector Elizondo, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Garner, Topher Grace, Anne Hathaway, Carter Jenkins, Ashton Kucher, Queen Latifah, Taylor Lautner, George Lopez, Shirley MacLaine, Emma Roberts, Julia Roberts, Taylor Swift
Ok, I listed about 10% of the cast.   I don’t know if I’ll still have room for the review. 🙂   Never since It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, have they hauled out this many stars for a single movie. If you’ve never seen that one (how could you not?), go get it. It’s a lot funnier than this is.
Of course it was made to be seen on Valentines Day, and it was made in LA, so it’s more of a Valentine present to LA than to the public.  This is a lot of fluff mixed in with a lot of sweet, a lot of tears, a lot of hearbreak, a lot of “Aw gee” moments. There are a zillion stories going on, and you have to try to follow all of them. Every trick in the book is going to be used to bring everyone together in the end. But bring them together they do.
If this film suffers from anything, it’s from trying to do TOO MUCH. Maybe a couple of the stories could have been left out, and it would be a little easier to follow. But since they put them in, you just have to try to follow.
All stages of love are represented here. And they all end up fitting together. It’s not classic film making and it’s not deep or thought provoking, but it is a delightful romantic comedy. If you hate romantic comedies, then you might be one of the haters of this film. But if you don’t expect Sheakespear, and just go with the flow, it’s a cute, suprisingly funny little Valentines Day romp that will not disappoint.
Author: EdG
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