Petri Entertainment,

Jere Burns, Scottie Thompson, Matt Angel, Robert Englund, Chasty Ballesteros, Clint Howard, Courtney Gains, E.E. Bell, Renee Dorian, Ben Begley, Candice De Visser,

In a small town there is a psychiatric hospital quietly run by a doctor called Warden (Robert Englund). Contained in this loony bin are six of the most awful, yet unknown serial killers of all times. They are doing experiments on these half dozen “patients” under the radar of all government interference. Meanwhile, someone got the great idea of building a horror attraction and since their properly is near to the old psych hospital, they decided to build six rooms based up on the actual stories of the six patients in the hospital. This strikes some people as in poor taste because they are based on real crimes, but the greedy owner thinks he’s got a gold mine. But with a little help, the six real serial killers escape and appalled at the mistakes in the attraction, take it over and man it themselves. Bodies start to pile up pretty quick in this B horror flick from last year.

Reading the last paragraph, you know it has to be cheezy and oh brother, is it cheezy. There are some pretty decent laughs, but the low budget effects show off how cheaply they had to make this movie. But surprisingly that seems to work for this movie about a really cheezy fun house. The gore factor is really up there, and they seem to have spent most of the budget on fake blood and body parts. The fun house itself looks like a real blast, and is typical of these type of Halloween Haunted Houses and such. They spent a few bucks to get Freddy Krueger himself in the role of Warden as Robert Englund (the guy who plays Freddie) has a small part in the beginning of the movie, and he gets to set everything up for us. Meanwhile, once the blood and guts start, it’s non-stop, but unlike many of these type of low budget gore fests, this one has some pretty decent characters. Two guys who play the washed up disk jockeys that show up to broadcast the event are a pretty funny pair most of the time, and their one lines, at least some of them, are real zingers. The whole thing is filled with love of people who simply like to make scary movies, and everyone works hard for the money. There is real humor in some of the gags, and though not all the “jokes” hit the mark, enough of them do to make it worthwhile. This is a horror film that is playing on Showtime this month, and is available on Netflix and a number of other places, so if you are looking for something for background scares at your party tonight, turn on The Funhouse Massacre, and enjoy it. I actually did. I can’t say this is a great film, but it’s bad enough, yet quality enough, to make it worth watching.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Sense and Sensibility Ventures, Silver Nitrate,

Ross Nathan, Sam Pancake, Ben Begley, Herbert Russell, John Livingston, Rita Volk, Jonathan Silverman, Tara Reid, Robert Wagner, Hank Baskett, Bruce Jenner, Jamie Kennedy

Three friends are in a cheap motel celebrating the bachelor party of their friend when they discover they’ve been kidnapped and taken to a remote area to participate in the annual Hungover Games. Fighting against the other teams which represent different pop culture icons, the friends must kill or be killed in this mash-up of, obviously, “The Hunger Games” and “The Hangover”.

For those of you who know me, I’m a sucker for these parody movies of other famous movies. I’ve mentioned it before, but my two favorite magazine subscriptions were Mad, and National Lampoon. I sat through all the Scary Movie movies, and saw all the Leslie Neilsen and Charlie Sheen movies I could get my hands on. This one was really funny. Focusing primarily on the two movies mashed in the title, they still brought in lots and lots of pop culture bits, mostly from the teams that they’re fighting against. They’re all here, including some like the Puppets (led by Ted), The Real Housewives of Disrict 8, The Johnny Depps, and the Horror Movie Icons, and so on. The humor is naughty, of course, and the jokes are one after another after another. They manage to take a shot at everyone all the way through. It’s very cleverly done with some great touches. For example, all the guys from the bachelor party’s character names are the real names of the real actors of the Hangover. They also kinda look like them, so it makes it even funnier. I really rolled watching this film, and I thought it was really funny. If you enjoy these parody movies, this is one of the best I’ve seen. I just can’t get enough of these it seems.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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