Participant Media, History Films

Brian Stelter, Bill Keller, Gay Talese, David Remnick, David Carr

Andrew Rossi, in this documentary, goes inside the New York Times offices to examine how one of the worlds most revered daily newspaper. He was able to have unprecedented access to view all the problems and promises for the future inside the Times. Blindsided by many things, they’ve been hurt on every side. Classifieds went to Craig’s List and Ebay, Job hunting was done via, not by looking in the help wanted ads. Newspapers were basically a loss leader (sold at less than cost) in order to bring in the advertising revenues that disappeared when large corporations developed their own web sites. Then there’s the speed of CNN and other 24 hour news channels, not to mention Facebook and Twitter. Things have changed rapidly, and newspapers have failed all over the nation, one after another. Then the absolute forbidden question. What would happen if the New York Times failed?

This is an interesting documentary that covers in depth, the changes in how we get our news. Times have changed in the modern world, but yet there are ways to adapt that may save the Times. This is well worth watching if you’re interested in modern media, and where they are coming from and where they are headed. It’s a very serious documentary, but well done. It’s not done in jest and there’s really no comedy. It’s a serious topic and handled in a serious way. But it’s still powerful and very absorbing once you get into it. A must see for anyone interested in the media.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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