Birdsong Pictures, IM Global, Nationlight Productions
Will Ferrell, Rebecca Hall, Michael Peña, Stephen Root, Laura Dern, Glenn Howerton, Shannon Whirry, Jason Spisak
Nick (Will Ferrell) is having a bad day. Nick is a veteran sales guy who is trying to beat a drinking problem who just lost his job. He arrives home to find out his wife is gone, and all his possessions are out in the front lawn. His company car has been repossessed, the locks to his house have been changed, and his bank accounts frozen by a bitter soon to be ex-wife. Nick decides the best way to deal with it is not to deal with it, and moves into the front yard.
This is a pretty cool, relatively unknown Will Ferrell film. It’s a unique look at the perils of modern life. Where are do our rights end and the communities rights begin. Nick learns a lot as he teams up with a married lady from across the street, Samantha (Rebecca Hall), and a latch-key neighbor kid Kenny Loftus (Christopher Jordan Wallace) who help him regain his sanity and pick up the pieces of his broken life. This looks like a typical Jim Carrey film, but obviously they had a good feeling it was not going to warrant the kind of money Jim would charge. But Will does a pretty decent job and it’s kind of a good role for him. It’s the everyman guy who loses everything, and though it’s mostly his fault, still he doesn’t deserve all the crap coming his way. Will plays it deadpan, and the humor is sarcastic. He has a good supporting cast, and it’s a fun experience watching him hit rock bottom and then try to dig himself back out of the hole. The humor is edgy, and the story is pretty fresh. This is not a Hollywood blockbuster by any means, but it’s one of those films that probably fell through the cracks and definitely deserves some attention now that it’s on DVD. If you like sarcastic humor, you’re probably going to enjoy Everything Must Go, and I certainly enjoyed it very much.
EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog
Author: EdG
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