Blumhouse Productions, Wyolah Films,

Missi Pyle, Luke Evans, Juliette Lewis, Octavia Spencer, Allison Janney, McKaley Miller, Dominic Burgess, Diana Silvers, Corey Fogelmanis, Andrew Matthew Welch, Gianni Paolo, Victor Turpin, Skyler Joy, Kyanna Simone Simpson, Katira Banks

Sue Ann (Octavia Spenser) is a small town assistant to the town Veterinarian Dr Brooks (Allison Janney). But in a small town, people stick around and issues from decades ago still hang around. Erica (Juliette Lewis and her daughter have just moved back to town, and her daughter joins a bunch of local kids who make friends with Sue Ann who allows them to party in her basement in exchange for some friendship with the youngsters. But as things go from bad to worse, they begin to regret their decision to make friends with Sue Ann who askes that they call her Ma, as she may have some deep issues to resolve at their expense.

This is not the movie you see in the trailer, and I really hesitate to put Horror as a category for this film, as it’s not really in any way a horror film. Oh yeah, the some blood and gore, and a lot of real terror, but this is a psychological drama to the nth degree. By way of well placed flashbacks spaced throughout the movie, we find out the story of what happened to make things the way they are today, and we do get a chance to understand Sua Ann and why she does the things she does. The story was unfairly hit by the critics who didn’t get what the film is really trying to do, and a lot of people went to see this with unrealistic expectations and they may have been disappointed. But I do believe over time the value of this film will win out in the end. It is a very good psychological thriller and very well constructed. There may be a few missed opportunities to turn up the heat a lot more on some aspects of the story, but I think they way they chose to do this is really very realistic. No one is all black or all white, and there’s not way you could ever come out of this not feeling something for Sue Ann simply because of the gravitas Octavia Spencer naturally brings to any role she chooses to do. I think she did an absolutely outstanding job in this role, and she really deserves a lot of praise for her performance here. I bought it 100 per cent and am amazed at her talent. Kudos to the director and producer of this film, as I personally think it was very well done, and quite impressive and very touching. This, unlike a slice and dice run of the mill slasher film, will stick with me for a long time. I really found this film chilling.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Blumhouse Productions, Dentsu, Digital Riot Media,

Jessica Rothe, Ruby Modine, Israel Broussard, Suraj Sharma, Rachel Matthews, Charles Aitken, Steve Zissis, Caleb Spillyards, Sarah Yarkin, Laura Clifton, Wendy Miklovic, GiGi Erneta, Phi Vu, Tenea Intriago, Kaleb Naquin

In Happy Death Day (the original film) Tree Gelbman (Jessica Rothe) has finally stopped waking up every day in a strange guy’s dorm room, and reliving the same day over and over again, each time ending by getting killed by a guy in a baby mask. As this sequel takes off, another of the friends claims that it’s now happening to him and he’s getting killed every day by the same guy, and reliving it over and over. Tree and rest of the gang, mostly science nerds, set out to solve Ryan’s (Phi Vu) problem and get involved in the problem as they finally realize what caused the strange things that happened to Tree and are now happening to Ryan. There are many more consequences to what is happening and it’s extremely important for everyone that they find a solution, but that’s not going to be easy.

The second in what is supposed to be a trilogy, this movie answers a great many of the questions that we had in Happy Death Day. At the end of it, there were a lot of questions left open as to how the hell this was happening and why Tree was caught up in the middle of it. This film is probably even better that the firs tone which I also rated four starts. Now granted, i enjoy horror films, and always have, but this group is much better that they average slasher film. Blumhouse has been putting out some pretty good horror films of late, and they are doing a great job of turning out entertaining scary movies. Kudos guys. This is a thoughtful story, and not overly gory, but highly suspenseful and really worth the price of admission. Be sure to see the first one though before this one, as it really will be more enjoyable that way. If you can see them close together, that’s the best, as you will certainly have questions after the first one this the second installment will answer. If they do have a third segment, it will be interesting to see where they go from here, but all in all, this was a good horror film.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Blumhouse Productions, Entertainment One, LStar Capital,

Lin Shaye, Leigh Whannell, Angus Sampson, Kirk Acevedo, Bruce Davison, Spencer Locke, Caitlin Gerard, Ava Kolker, Hana Hayes, Josh Stewart, Javier Botet, Tessa Ferrer, Marcus Henderson

In the beginning of this fourth entry into the world of Insidious, we see Elise Rainier (Lin Shaye) as a young girl (played by Ava Kolker) as she grows up with a monster of a father who is warden of a prison in a little town in New Mexico. Elise and her brother Christian (Bruce Davison) (child played by Pierce Pope) fear their ferocious father who particularly hates the fact that young Elise has the power to see dead people and talk to the dead. Finally, Elise has had enough and leaves Christian behind and heads out on her own. This prequel is shown us because in this film, Elise gets a call from a person who lives in her old home needing her help. She decides she must go back to the house, find the evil that she brought out decades ago. In the process she learns the truth about the things that happened in that house, reconnects with her estranged brother and his two daughters.

This is another entry into “The Further” with Elise. Elise has been the centerpiece of all the films, one of the best horror franchises ever, but in this film we really get to learn her back story. I found that particularly interesting. Most of the scary parts of this film are very similar to the rest of the franchise, but the story itself is what makes this so enjoyable, although I did get really scared a few times. The location is really creepy, and this house is a star. It’s really nice to fill in the story of Elise’s background, and this is a first rate horror film. It has some fierce competition in the box office, but this is a great horror film, and fans of the genre definitely ought to catch this one. I really enjoyed it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Blumhouse Productions, Digital Riot Media, Vesuvius Productions,

Jessica Rothe, Israel Broussard, Ruby Modine, Rachel Matthews, Charles Aitken, Donna DuPlantier, GiGi Erneta

Tree Gelbman (Jessica Rothe) is a college girl, living in the sorority house, and very popular on campus, but her Mother recently left them, and she has withdrawn from her father who is also suffering from the loss and resorts to using small talk when they meet. Tree has withdrawn and acts out instead of facing her grief and as a result, ignores her father completely. Today is her birthday, and she shared the same birthday as her Mother, so it’s a very hard day for her. But as the day draws to a close, a serial killer in a mask kills her on the way to a party. But when Tree awakes, the day is starting again, and the same things repeat. After weeks of reliving the same day over and over, Tree ends up dying in the end no matter what she does, but she is getting closer to determining who the killer is, or perhaps more so trying to figure out who it isn’t. In the end, she’s stuck in this cycle until she is able to figure it all out on her own.

Everyone throws Groundhog Day at this movie, and rightly so. Even in the ending of the movie Tree’s good friend throws out directly the Groundhog Day connection, and of course Tree has never heard of Bill Murray nor the movie itself which is one of the many humorous bits in this movie. It is horror, but it does have a great sense of humor, and the story is very well written, highly predictable, but you’re probably wrong after the twist in the end. And nothing is as it seems. The suspense was pretty high level, and the script was very clever. Actually there have been many other time loop films, but none exactly like this one. It’s fresh, great looking, and highly entertaining. I really enjoyed this film. The acting was very good. Jessica was excellent, even though she’s rather new, she’s was in La-La-Land and did a good job there, but this really showcases her talent though. Her platonic friend Carter, played by Ishmael Broussard is also very good. All in all the movie was a great deal of fun to watch and if you love horror, this is certain a decent one and well worth the trip to see this one on the big screen.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Blumhouse Productions, QC Entertainment,

Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams, Catherine Keener, Bradley Whitford, Caleb Landry Jones, Stephen Root, LilRel Howery, Betty Gabriel, Marcus Henderson, Lakeith Lee Stanfield

Chris Washington (Daniel Kaluuya) is nervous about meeting his fiance’s family. Rose Armitage (Allison Williams) is a white girl from a very wealthy family and she hasn’t quite told the parents, Missay Armitage (Catherine Keener) and Dean Armitage (Bradley Whitford) that her fiance is African-American. But Rose insists that her parents are not racist in any way, and that he has nothing to worry about. But Chris’ best friend Walter (Marcus Henderson) a TSA agent at the airport isn’t so sure. Things feel a bit strange up there as the black people who live in the town are acting very strange, and many more are missing, but when Chris gets the warning GET OUT! all hell breaks loose.

This is a good old fashioned horror film that has real terror and a real good story. It’s hard to figure out the truth, and you’re likely going to go through the film thinking it’s easy to figure out only to be blown away at the end. Sure, there’s a few jump scares, and the sound effects and score add a lot to the film which makes this a great one to see on the biggest screen you can with the best sound system you can find. But above and beyond that, this film is really creepy with a lot of suspense thrown in. The ending is especially good. Yes, this is one horror film that is less on the gore, and much ratcheted up on the scary story side. This is one of the better horror films I’ve seen in a long time, and the African-American slant is quite interesting, although not at all essential to the story, and it could have been anybody, really. But the reasoning for why they’re African-American is really twisted. In summary, this is a darn good horror film with lots of new faces. In fact, this was Allison Williams’ first feature film, and she nailed it. Jordan Peele wrote the story and this is his debut as a director, and the story arose out of a discussion in 2008 over whether Hillary as a woman or Barack as an African-America had more right to be president. It grew into this story, and it does cover a lot of moral and ethical ground, but never stops the constant terror and suspense. I recommend this one to horror fans everywhere!

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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