Dark Castle Entertainment, After Dark Films,
Ethan Hawke, Selena Gomez, Jon Voight, Rebecca Budig, Paul Freeman, Bruce Payne, Ivailo Geraskov, Dimo Alexiev, Velislav Pavlov, Kaloaian Vodenicharov

Brent Magna (Ethan Hawke) is a washed up race car driver whose wife has been kidnapped by a mysterious foe who calls every shot. He steals a car and heads off on a high speed chase following the commands of the villain who is giving him every turn. But when he gets hijacked by a young girl known as “The Kid” (Selena Gomez) the two team up to try to defeat the evil villain before it’s too late for his wife.
I should have hated this film. I’ve even seen it nominated for the Razzie for worst picture with Selena Gomez nominated as worst actress. I actually enjoyed it. I’m not sure why, but it was an exciting story, and I think Selena did a great job in this role. She played what she was given, and she’s supposed to be some hacker kid nerd, which she pulled off pretty good. The action was good, and though the ending was really silly, I thought, the rest of the film was interesting. I enjoyed the high speed driving, and the suspense. There are some ridiculous premises of how the guy can know what he does, and give them the commands, time after time, at the last second, but that’s part of the fun of the film. You can’t watch a chase film and expect it to be totally realistic any more than the crazy car commercials with “expert drivers on a closed track” are realistic. But if you just go into it watching the speed and the tension, it’s a half way decent film. I’m not sorry I chose to watch this one, and I think they did a pretty decent job.
EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog
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After Dark Films, Dobre Films, Midsummer Films
Courtney Hope, Bruce Payne, Ruta Gedmintas, Joshua Bowman, Jamie Blackley, George Oliver, Perdita Weeks, Saxon Trainor

Amber (Courtney Hope) lives in a small midwestern town. She has plans to head to Chicago to live, but has to get there immediately in order to put down the deposit on her apartment or it will be given to someone else. The problem is, she has no way to get there. It seems everyone with a car is busy. After finally getting a ride with a couple friends, the car breaks down, and the hitch a ride on a passing semi. But the drive won’t let them get off, and they’re carrying a cargo of blood and trapped in the back. When they arrive in an abandoned slaughter house, all hell breaks loose, and the creatures that have them captive are going to take them apart one by one.
This is one of the newest in the HorrorFest (8 Films to Die For) series, and another pretty decent one. These guys have gotten pretty clever in finding directors willing to cut their teeth on low budget horror films. This one has some twists and turns, and some you wouldn’t even know about unless you listen to the commentary by the writer and actors. This is a bizarre story that isn’t what you are expecting. We know something isn’t exactly right with Amber, but we have no idea what’s really going on. This is one of those thriller horror films that keeps us wondering just what is out there. Amber is a strong woman though, and if anyone can survive this horror she can. But she up against unbelievable odds.
Lots of suspense, frightening jumps and scares, and it’s fairly gory, although not all blood and guts. Actually it’s a well thought out story, and half way decent in this category. Some of the HorrorFest films in previous years were clunkers, but this year they have been really good. (See review of Husk a few days ago). I think this is a pretty good low budget horror film and well worth the effort to track it down.
EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog
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Author: EdG
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