Cube Vision, LBI Entertainment, Rainforest Films,

Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, John Leguizamo, Bruce McGill, Bryan Callen, Tika Sumpter, Lucius Baston, Gary Owen, Julisita Salcedo, Jay Pharoah

Ben Barber (Kevin Hart) is a mall guard who is entering the police academy who really wants to be a real cop. He’s engaged to Angela (Tike Sumpter) who has an over protective big brother, veteran cop James Payton (Ice Cube). James doesn’t like or respect Ben very much, so he puts together a plan to invite Ben on a “Ride Along” and set him up with the most horrifying and disgusting cases possible to scare him into quitting. But Ben is insistent, and when they accidentally walk into a very dangerous situation, Ben has to use all his video game skills to try to keep them alive.

This is a buddy copy comedy, and it’s actually pretty funny. Kevin Hart is one of the funniest guys on the planet these days, and Ice Cube’s acting experience is extensive, so they actually make a really good pair. It’s a lot similar to the other films in the genre, like 48 hours, and some others, but it has an interesting twist in it. They include the rabid gamer deal with Hart, and the fact that he’s a wanna be cop, and isn’t in on the joke, is rather unique. It’s a well done buddy comedy and one I recommend very highly. It’s clever, fresh, and really funny. I enjoyed watching it a lot, and it was one of the better new DVD’s I’ve watched in a while. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a better comedy, and it’s even par with some of the Owen Wilson, Jackie Chan stuff. Lots of excitement and adventure, and plenty of chuckles all the way through. A very well done comedy and one you ought to catch on TV or DVD when you can.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Lionsgate, Mimran Schur Pictures, Solaris,

Joel Edgerton, Tom Hardy, Nick Nolte, Jennifer Morrison, Frank Grillo, Kevin Dunn, Maximiliano Hernández, Bryan Callen, Sam Sheridan, Noah Emmerich, Kurt Angle, Erik Apple

A broken family finds a recovered alcoholic father Paddy Conlon (Nick Nolte), alone, his oldest son Brendan Conlon (Joel Edgerton) married with 2 kids, estranged from the rest of the family, and younger son Tommy Conlon (Tom Hardy) living with Mom, returned from the Marines. Mom has passed on and Tommy returns to his Father, but not willing to forgive him, but needing him to prepare him for a return to the Mixed Martial Arts ring. Meanwhile Brendan is in a hard place, holding several jobs, trying to keep his family together, he decides to return to the MMA tournament as well, unbeknownst to Dad and Tommy setting them up for a huge final match against each other.

I went into this film not expecting much. I am not a fan of people beating the crap out of each other for the benefit of gamblers and people who just love to watch blood sports. This kind of stuff where anything goes, and choking, kicking and breaking bones goes along with punching in an all out battle till one can no longer get up. I was rather surprised by this film after all. Though there’s a lot of battles, there is a pretty good story. Neither son wants to forgive Dad for how he destroyed everyone’s lives with his drinking, but now with 3 years of being sober he just wants to get back together. The pain Nick Nolte is able to bring out really tears at your heart.

Jennifer Morrison plays Tess Conlon, Brendon’s wife. She is a perfect choice and is really supportive and sweet even though it breaks her heart to see Brendon suffer. She’s great in this role. If you don’t recognize the name, she’s Emma, Snow White’s daughter in ABC’s Once Upon a Time. With this excellent cast, the feelings and emotions will set you up for a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Not really at the level of Rocky, but actually a pretty decent film when you get down to it.

I was impressed with it, and glad I made it through the bloody face scenes to get past them for the meat of this movie. It was an enjoyable experience.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Silver Nitrate

Bryan Callen, Noureen DeWulf, Mircea Monroe, Steve Glickman, Austin Michael Scott

Either you like these kind of movies, or you don’t.  If you do, this is just like the rest.  It takes on a lot of the latest movies, and the actors and impersonators are pretty much right on!   Exactly the same kind of jokes as all the rest, fart jokes, bathroom humor, even a tribute to the orginal American Pie!  Yoda’s here, Dr Phil, lots of others.

This one hits on a few of the cylinders, especially if you know all they movies they parody.  But it’s not as good as many of the others that have been out over the years.

I say,  “Eh”.  That’s about it.  If you’re a fan of these parody movies, then go for it.  If you’re easily offended, this is wall to wall offense!   Eh. Nah.

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