The Exchange,

Michael Pitt, Nina Arianda, Andy Garcia, Ray Romano, Griffin Dunne, Burt Young, Cathy Moriarty, Michael Rispoli, Luke Fava, Frank Whaley, Samira Wiley

Tommy Uva (Michael Pitt) is a thug. He’s sent to jail while his girlfriend Rosiife (Nina Arianda) waits for him to get out. Tommy is convinced he wants to go straight, but he just can’t seem to get into the whole work thing. When he overhears a mafia kingpin speaking at his trial say that Mafia guys don’t bring guns to the clubs because “Wiseguys and guns don’t mix”, Tommy hatches the idea of robbing the mafia and having Rosie drive his getaway car, but when the accidentally stumble into a piece of evidence that everybody wants, suddenly no only is mob after him, but the Police and the FBI, and even a reporter trying to get the story. A modern day Bonnie and Clyde, this is based on actual events.

This movie is rather over the top clever, very interesting, and lots of fun. These two are so gangster it’s hysterical. They have no chance at pulling this off because they are so dumb, yet the do manage it pretty well. Michael Pitt is awesome as Tommy and Nina Arianda does a great job playing the “not too bright” but supportive Rosie. They fight, but support each other, and most of all, they pull of a lot of stuff that most professional criminals couldn’t. I’m not sure how accurate this is to the original material, but they real Tommy and Rosie appear during the closing credits. This movie has a lot of action, and the way the mobster’s react to a kid robbing the most powerful criminals in the world is pretty funny. This is a crime story with a lot going for it. The fact that it’s based on a true story makes it even more incredible. This is a very funny story and one that will keep you glued to the screen throughout. Very well done.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Everest Entertainment, Fox Searchlight Pictures, Groundswell Productions

Paul Giamatti, Amy Ryan, Bobby Cannavale, Jeffrey Tambor, Burt Young, Melanie Lynskey, Alex Shaffer, Margo Martindale, David W. Thompson

Mike Flaherty (Paul Giamatti) is a part time wrestling coach and a down on his luck lawyer. Business is bad, and he’s in financial trouble. But Mike is hiding it from his wife. One of his only clients is an elderly man whose about to be made ward of the state and sent to a nursing home, but it turns out he has a lot of money. Mike’s idea is to become guardian of the man, and keep the money provided in his role of guardian. But suddenly Leo’s (Burt Young) grandson shows up, and it turns out he’s a great wrestler. Mike thinks it’s the perfect situation where he can also take in the grandson, keep the old man’s money, and put the grandson on the wrestling team, keep the office open, and his wife will be none the wiser. That is until the old man’s daughter, fresh out of rehab suddenly arrives to derail everything.

I’m getting to be a big fan of Paul Giamatti. In fact, ever since I first saw him as “Pig Virus” in the Howard Stern film “Private Parts” I’ve been a fan. But he seems to get better and better appearing in very quirky films. This is one of those. Mike is a nice guy, who’s trying to keep everything rolling. But he’s taking advantage of everyone in the process and being dishonest to everyone. Mike’s got to take a good look at his flaws and decide if it’s worth the effort to clean up his life. But at the same time, it’s really funny. There is such humor in Paul’s character. Everybody here has an agenda, and the interplay between the two assistant coaches is hilarious. Also Leo and his Mom Cleo (played brilliantly by Melanie Lynskey) are really good. Leo hates his mom because she’s never been there for him, and loved her drugs and drinks more. Now she’s still in it for herself. It’s a twisted feel good film, and is strong in values, but the mix of comedy makes it really unique. Yes, it’s quirky, but very good. I really enjoyed this film, and so it’s a Win-Win for the producers/actors, and the audience. 🙂

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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