Angry Films, Kintop Pictures, Preger Entertainment,

Zoey Deutch, Lucy Fry, Danila Kozlovsky, Gabriel Byrne, Dominic Sherwood, Olga Kurylenko, Sarah Hyland, Cameron Monaghan, Sami Gayle, Ashley Charles, Claire Foy, Joely Richardson

Rose Hathaway (Zoey Deutch) is a student at St. Vladmir Academy for vampires. The vampires are divided into to groups, the Moroi who are peaceful and live with the human population and only feed on certain volunteer feeders. The bad guys are Strigoi who are violent and kill for food. Rose and her friends are Dhampir, half-human half-vampire who are being trained to be guardians of the Moroi and to kill any Strigoi who invade the academy. But Rose has to run away from the school to protect a best friend and princess Lyssa (Lucy Fry) who is in danger, but who is in line for the throne.

This film was so boring. I’ve seen several movies about vampires over the years that are really hard to sit through. This is as bad as any of them. I don’t really get the point of this, and I floundered through the whole thing. I really didn’t like it very much. I felt the story was confusing, and after a little while I just kind of gave up on it. If there was a point, I just didn’t get it. It was tough watching poor Sarah Hyland (from Modern Family) running around looking like a fool most of the time. It’s not her fault, it was a horrid role. She gave it a try, but had nothing to work with. In fact, I don’t blame any of the actors. It’s a bad script. For those familiar with the book, which I’m not, most of the people I’ve seen feel the books are much better than the movie. Maybe it would help to know some of the rules, but as an uninitiated person, it was very disjointed and all the jumping around just confused me. I didn’t find any connection to any of the characters, and it seemed a major waste of time. Skip it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Rickshaw Productions, Walt Disney Pictures

Aimee Teegarden, Thomas McDonell, DeVaughn Nixon, Danielle Campbell, Yin Chang, Jared Kusnitz, Nolan Sotillo, Cameron Monaghan, Kylie Bunbury, Joe Adler

Prom and high school graduation are approaching for a group of seniors, but when the prom decorations are destroyed in an act of school vandalism, the class president Nova (Aimee Teegarden) is left in a lurch. Everyone else is pre-occupied with finding dates and dresses, SAT tests and preparing for college, so Nova is left to rely on the principal forcing the school bad-bod to help her out. But when he’s there for her when she needs it, she starts looking at him in differently.

Prom is a teen movie, but Disney has done a great job with this one. It’s a really cute movie, especially for those waiting to go to prom, or to reminisce for those who have already been. When I was a kid (before electricity) prom was not such a big deal. Asking a girl to prom was like….”Would you like to go to prom with me?”. Now it seems to be some kind of competitive ritual with everyone trying to outdo everyone else. I remember in the 60’s when a perfect date to impress a girl for the L.A. kids was to take your date for dinner, in San Francisco. Tickets were like $25.00 round trip, and the flights from LA to SFO departed about every 20 minutes. Well, now invitations to the prom are much bigger than proposals. Kids are renting airplane banners, paying for announcements on the Laker scoreboard, paining signs on the outside of the school, Taking out ads on TV, baking cakes with prom invites, and on and on. It seems like how you ask is much more important that how you ask. No idea when this started or how, but it seems to be a big deal these days. Well this film is all about the run-up to prom and graduation and the struggles everyone goes through to get a date. It’s got a lot of humor, nice teen music, good looking kids, and a lot of heart. The major message is not to judge people by the outside, but it’s all wrapped up in lots of fun. I’m sure that the young crowd will enjoy this film, and if you missed it in the theater, be sure to catch it on DVD now that it’s out. Disney has a winner here, and I recommend it for those young at heart. Now, let’s go to Prom.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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