Saban International, Von Zerneck Sertner Films

Kristin Davis, Reed Diamond, Danelle Brett, Tim Meadows, Cedric Smith, Alexa Gilmour

Andrew (Reed Diamond) married his childhood sweetheart Beth (Kristin Davis) 10 years ago. Since then he has become a powerful literary agent, but forgetting all the things he loved about Beth. Their relationship has deteriorated until they finally have a big spat. Beth runs out, and is struck by a car and killed. Lionel (Tim Meadows) is an angel who appears to Andrew and offers him a precious gift, the ability to live over the last 3 days with Beth, giving him a chance to change how he treated her. But after the three days, she will still die, and nothing he can do can change that unless he finds the perfect gift for her. But though he is able to find out how much she means to him, he can’t seem to get the right gift. Now with only a few hours to live, he’s desperate to find the lat present that will tempt fate and allow her to life.

This is a very intense and touching romantic Christmas Story. It is designed to make you think. The futility of Andrew trying to find the perfect Christmas gift is tragic, and as time slips away, there seems to be nothing he can do to change it. It’s not perfect, and it’s a bit sappy, but it is a really great story, even though the ending is a bit abrupt and may shock a little bit, at least we learn not to take one another for granted. We’re all running against the clock, and if we want to change ourselves, we never know how much time we have left. This is a touching story, and one that’s very worthwhile to review and to think about. I really enjoyed watching this film.

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Author: EdG

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Breakthrough Films and Television, Buffalo Gal Pictures

Jennifer Finnigan, Natalie Brown, Cedric Smith, Nola Augustson, Stefano DiMatteo, Morgan Kelly, Mike O’Brien, Jennifer Pudavick

Shadow Island Mysteries is a series of Movies that takes place on an island in the Canadian wilderness. The Last Christmas is part of the series. In this film, the grandfather (Raymond La Foret) called the whole family to a cabin on Shadow Island for Christmas. Claire is the key character of all the Shadow Mysteries stories. We are told that Claire’s mother died mysteriously on Christmas 5 years before. In that time the family has not gotten together. There is some bad blood between some of the family. Grandfather loves games, and before announcing that he has a terminal illness and it will be his last Christmas announces that he is setting up the “Jean La Foret Memorial Puzzle” in memory of his lost wife. The rules are simple. Solve the puzzle and inherit the fortune. Everyone else will get nothing.

This film is appearing this season on Showtime. It’s an unusual Christmas story as it’s a real mystery. For mystery buffs, this is perfect, as it’s a though provoking Christmas mystery, and those are rare. Will the family be able to solve the mystery before something really bad happens. This is an excellent mystery, very compelling, and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Additionally it makes me want to check out some of the other films in the series. It is a very well done story, and the actors do a great job. They all stand out, and it’s a pleasure to watch.

And the name of the killer is………………….

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Author: EdG

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