The Hallmark Channel,
Danica McKellar, Neal Bledsoe, Chelan Simmons, Andrew Francis, Rebecca Staab, Brenda Crichlow, Christian Convery, Lindsay Maxwell, Paula Shaw

Lizzie Richfield (Danica McKeller) is looking for a job. Her sister, Camill3 (Brenda Crichlow) finds her a gig as house manager for the Ashford House, a huge mansion filled with art and culture. It’s her job to plan and pull off the last Christmas Gala fort he house, as Robert Marley (Neal Bledsoe) the oldest grandson of Pippa Marley (Paula Shaw) is about to sell the house since his Grandmother is not able to live in such a large house, and neither of this two siblings have any desire to keep the huge mansion. This has caused a huge rift in the family, and Robert is very distanced from the rest of the family. As Lizzie works to prepare for the last Ashford Gala, she also works to bring the family together, but as the two brothers both put in a push for Lizzie, things are bound to get sticky.
There are a certain few actresses who seem to get the very best scripts for the new Christmas films. This seems to happen every year. This is Danica McKeller’s film for the season, and it’s a real winner. She brings such gravitas to her role, and really steals the show, although the house itself does try to steal the lead in the movie. I must also say that I really enjoyed Paula Shaw’s performance as the Grandmother Pippa Marley. She extremely elegant and harsh as the grand dame of the house, but plays the loving Grandmother perfectly when it’s needed. All in all this is a bit different than the usual Christmas movie and has some outstanding elements that make it very charming and quite interesting. This movie is a winner, and Danica has pulled off another Christmas hit. I look forward to her Hallmark movies year after year.
EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog
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Lighthouse Pictures,
Tricia Helfer, Marc Blucas, Lisa Durupt, Gabrielle Rose, Benjamin Wosk, Megan Charpentier, Jaeda Lily Miller, Barclay Hope, Chelan Simmons

Olivia (Tricia Helfer) is a single Mom. Her new boyfriend is in the military and is called out to deploy just before the holidays, so Olivia and her children decide to setup a plan to give a great Christmas to herself and her children by providing help for all the struggling military families that are alone for the holidays. But as they lose themselves in the work, they find many things changing for them, and the blessings keep growing as they share with others.
This film was a bit disappointing. It seemed a little rushed and did not have a strong story. The characters are cardboard cutouts, and there just is no depth to them. There are some really big issues that are not even looked into, and things fall together just a little bit too easily. I did not get invested in the story, and when it was over, I felt a bit cheated in that I spent the time, but got little in return. There are some of the new films that are really excellent, but this just wasn’t one of them. This story just didn’t work.
EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog
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Lionsgate, WWE Studios,
Kane, Danielle Harris, Katharine Isabelle, Chelan Simmons, Kaj-Erik Eriksen

Amy (Danielle Harris) works in the hospital’s morgue during the night, so her friends decide to bring her birthday part to the morgue. Meanwhile, the body of killed serial killer Jacob Goodnight (Glen “Kane” Jacobs) has arrived from the “See No Evil” hotel at the end of the 2006 horror film. But it seems Jacob is not quite done with his killing spree as he arises from the slab and begins hunting down Amy’s friends one by one.
This sequel to 2006’s See No Evil. I suspect the sequel is about as good as the first movie. This series is not bad, but it’s not extremely innovative either. But it’s a decent horror film of the slasher variety with lots of chases, screams, and unusual ways of getting killed. The acting is pretty mediocre, as most of the characters are cut from cardboard and it’s like they are reading the lines in a run through rather than in the actual shoot. But the gore factor is pretty high, and certainly the setting is creepy. There’s something about a serial killer running free in the morgue that’s really creepy. The suspense is really good too, and it’s scary enough. Basically a solid horror film, well worth it if that’s what you’re looking for. Don’t expect anything ground breaking, but it’s as good as the next if this is what you’re looking for. It’s a solid slasher.
EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog
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ABC Family, WWE Studios,
Francia Raisa, Mike ‘The Miz’ Mizanin, April Telek, Chelan Simmons, Aleks Paunovic, Will Greenberg, Michael Hanus Michael Hanus Sidika Larbes

Tara Bell (Francia Raisa) is the daughter in a family of bounty hunters. She’s cleaned up her act, though, and has left New Jersey to Manhattan and her very rich boyfriend who has just proposed to her. They’re planning on visiting with his family, when she gets a call from one of the gangsters she put away who has just gotten out of prison and theatens to kill her and the whole family. But Tara has never told her fiance about her past, so she has to go home and help the family track him down and put him back in prison before he gets them first. But her excuses for leaving at Christmas sound a bit fishy, so he guy follows her and gets caught up in the middle. The best place to capture him is at his sister’s wedding, and as luck would have it, all the gangsters of New York are at the wedding.
Come on Disney! WWE Studios??? Really??? Really??? This was a drastically silly movie. This has the feel of a bad Ninja Turtles or Inspector Gadget cartoon. How this chick thinks she can pull off being a Manhattan socialite with her low-life background is beyond me. The fighting, and thousands of gunshots, tear up the set, but are so far fetched it’s crazy. I found it dreadful, and really don’t know how this got on the prime time lineup even for ABC Family. The story is ludicrous and just plain annoying. The boyfriend was a pansy twerp and the ex-boyfriend a rude jerk. So what are we left with? Not funny, not exciting, simply not very good. Not sure how this one got green-lighted. I’m sure there must be a market for this kind of movie, WWE fans maybe, but it left me wondering why! Now I’m not blaming the actors, for they gave back what they were given, but the script. Oh, my.
[Click here for the ABC Family page for this film]
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ARO Entertainment, Synthetic Filmwerx,
Marla Sokoloff, Chris Carmack, Catherine Hicks, David DeLuise, George Wendt, Chelan Simmons

Rebecca (Marla Sokoloff), just lost her job in the city, so she heads home to visit her estranged mother (Catherine Hicks) and to attend her best friends wedding who she also hasn’t seen for 10 years. While attending the wedding, she meets her ex-boyfriend who she left when she went to the big city, and he went to Paris to learn to cook. When they meet sparks fly and it seems they might not be completely over each other. The wise taxi driver (George Wendt) gives her some good advice and makes her keep at it until she gets it right.
Uh oh, another “relive the same day over and over” thing. First of all there was Groundhog Day, but we can rule that out as it wasn’t Christmas, but then we got “Christmas Every Day”, Christmas Do-Over” and now “A Christmas Wedding Date”. But this is a very nice movie. Marla Sokoloff is wonderful in this role, and really nails it. She is able to play all the range of emotions from surprise and wonder to anger and to redemption in under 2 hours and she pulls it off perfectly. The story is really sweet, and I enjoyed this movie a great deal, although I must confess that I also enjoyed all the previous “relive the day” movies as well, so maybe I’m just a sucker for these types of stories, but I felt it was very well done. I recommend this new film for 2012 as one of the better of all the new films.
Here is the home page for this ION TV 2012 Christmas Movie.
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