Stage 6 Films, Manis Film, Breaking Ball Films,

Susan Sarandon, Gil Bellows, Ellen Burstyn, Topher Grace, Donald Sutherland, Christopher Heyerdahl

Hazel Micallef (Susan Sarandon) is a small town detective in Canada. Things are not too exciting there and she hasn’t had much to do lately, but when a killer starts leaving gruesome scenes all around the countryside, Hazel is convinced there is more to it than just random killings. With some help, she sets out to solve the crimes and search for the person behind all the horror.

This is a familiar story. It has Fargo written all over it, in fact. Same setting, same female detective trying to stop the killings, same quiet backwoods country town. Yes, this definitely has Fargo written all over it. But on the other hand, also has Susan Sarandon in it. She is really very good, as always, in this role. It is a simple little serial killer flick and “The Calling” has a very specific special meaning here, which you will learn as you watch it. All in all, it’s quite suspenseful, loads of fun to watch Ms. Sarandon nail this character, and though it’s quite suspenseful, it’s all in good humor and a pleasure to watch. Certainly points get knocked off for the obvious stolen material, but the setting is beautiful, the acting is top notch, and it’s an enjoyable film. I enjoyed it, and found it was quite enjoyable, and I can recommend this movie for a great evening watching a crime drama on the couch.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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