Columbia Pictures, Point Grey Pictures, Mandate Pictures,

James Franco, Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel, Craig Robinson, Danny McBride, Michael Cera, Emma Watson, Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, David Krumholtz

Jay Baruchel is coming to Los Angeles to hang out with Seth Rogen and party, party, party. They decide to go to a big party at James Franco’s house, but unexpectedly the apocalypse happens, and the rapture has begun. None of these guys at the party (a slew of Hollywood stars) were taken to heaven, so they have to figure out a way to survive. But they soon come to realize that they are all too stupid to figure out what to do. Bickering and fighting all the way, till they finally figure out the secret to surviving the destruction.

This is done like a mockumentary. I say that because all of the actors play themselves. But this is a disappointing very silly and useless film. I was kind of looking forward to this film from the previews, but it turned out to be a mess. I just did not get the whole point of this movie. I didn’t think it was very funny, and the running around and overacting, over-reacting, and just plain yelling at each other reminded me of a high-school drama class improvisation activity. Very childish, not that funny, and just plain a disaster all around. This reminds me of the Barbara Ann recording where it was done at a party, in one take, with all the mistakes, missed lyrics, giggles and goofing around left in it. This is a party movie too, just a bunch of stars getting together and hacking out a “comedy” without any goal in sight or any purpose at all. I would definitely recommend avoiding this film at all costs. This is the worst film I’ve seen in a long time.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Walt Disney Pictures, Outlaw Productions (I), Boxing Cat Films

Tim Allen, Spencer Breslin, Elizabeth Mitchell, David Krumholtz, Eric Lloyd, Judge Reinhold, Wendy Crewson, Liliana Mumy, Danielle Woodman, Art LaFleur, Aisha Tyler, Kevin Pollak, Jay Thomas, Molly Shannon

A little bad news for Scott Calvin, aka Santa Claus (Tim Allen). Hidden in the small print on the business card he found in the first film when the previous Santa met his demise is a bit of tiny print known as “The Mrs. Clause”. This condition says that Santa has to take a wife. Unfortunately Scott has only 30 days to find a suitable spouse, and in the meantime his son Charlie (Eric Lloyd) is in a little trouble in school. But there’s no way for Scott to take care of those details and take care of preparations for Christmas at the same time. So the guys decide to create a duplicate “plastic” Santa that copies the original to take over the workshop while he’s taking care of business. The problem is that the artificial Santa decides to take over the whole operation.

Word was around the studio that this sequel was coming out a year or so sooner, but that Tim Allen put the brakes on the project in order to buff up the script, as he felt it was sub-par. Well, I’m not sure about this, but this sequel is every bit as good as the original. Funny in parts, but with a lot of heart, this is a really special Christmas comedy romance. This film brings in some other mythical creatures of wide fame, and they have a small part, but a critical part in the story. There are some really wonderful and memorable scenes in this film. The sleigh ride and the High School faculty party are two that stand out and hold up to repeated viewing. Tim Allen is very good in this film, as in the last one, and does a fine job. It’s magical and charming, and loads of fun, and another of the best Christmas films of all time. ALl 3 “The Santa Clause” films are being shown again this year, so take the chance to catch them if you get the opportunity. They are fine films, for sure.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Walt Disney Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, Outlaw Productions (I)

Tim Allen, Judge Reinhold, Wendy Crewson, Peter Boyle, Eric Lloyd, David Krumholtz, Jayne Eastwood

Scott Calvin(Tim Allen) is a divorced Dad who is struggling with his ex-wife Laura(Wendy Crewson)’s dorky new fiance, Dr. Miller(Judge Reinhold)and a small kid Charlie (Eric Lloyd). Scott is spending Christmas Eve at home with Charlie when a noise on the roof makes the run outside and startle Santa into slipping and falling to his death off the Calvin’s roof. When Scott puts on the Santa suit, he finds that he has been recruited as the new Santa to replace the one he accidentally killed. That’s the Santa Claus. Scott has one year to put his things in order so that he can live full time at the North Pole. The trouble is that Charlie wants to tell everyone that his dad is Santa which causes everyone to think he’s got mental problems. Furthermore, Dr. Miller is a psychiatrist and trying to convince a little kid that the North Pole doesn’t exist, especially when he’s been there! Scott has a lot of getting used to things, but from the looks of it, he may just pull it off.

This is one of the classiest of the (fairly) recent Christmas films. It sparked 2 sequels (so far) and is a very well know and much loved Christmas story. This is one of the funniest of the three, and seeing Scott trying to fit into the role is pretty clever. No matter what he does, he keeps growing a beard and gaining tremendous amounts of weight. But aside from being funny, it also has a lot of heart, especially the relationship between Scott and Charlie. If there’s anyone out there who has never seen this film, it’s a must see, and if you have, it’s probably time to catch it again. It’s one of the best Holiday films ever, and certainly one to be appreciated again and again.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Kingsgate Films, Mandate Pictures, New Line Cinema

John Cho, Kal Penn, Neil Patrick Harris, Amir Blumenfeld, Paula Garcés, Danneel Ackles, Thomas Lennon, Danny Trejo, David Krumholtz, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Patton Oswalt, Elias Koteas

Six Years have passed, and Harold and Kumar are now living very different lives. Kumar is still a pot head, and his apartment and his life are a total mess. But Harold is married and living in a great home and working in an office. His wife’s family, especially the father-in-law who doesn’t like him very much is coming to visit and brought the perfect Christmas tree. Harold and Kumar don’t see each other anymore. But on Christmas Eve when a strange package addressed to Harold arrives at the door of Kumar’s apartment, he decides to bring it over in person. While there, he burns down the perfect tree, and the two of them set off on a quest to find a replacement tree, all over Manhattan half the night. The movie is their travels all over town from one disaster to another to try to replace the tree.

This film was very funny! In fact, this was much better than I expected, and a vast improvement over the last one. We know these characters already, so they get right down to the humor from the very start. The jokes are rapid fire, and certainly there were a bunch of things I didn’t see coming. The jokes are really funny. The 3D is a real plus, simply because it’s cheesy. They joke around with the 3D effects and make fun of themselves all the while. This is what makes it really worthwhile to watch in 3D so you can be in the middle of the cheesy effects. There are some funny cameos too. Neil Patrick Harris is back again, and hysterical as the lead character in the Christmas Extravaganza. Now, Neil got killed in the last film, but we find out how he survived as well. It’s an adult film, for sure. There are some outrageous things, like a drug addicted baby, the Russian Mafia, and even a White Castle.

This was a fun film to watch in the theater, and I enjoyed it very much. I’m pretty sure it’ll be worth it to catch it on the big screen in 3D, so I’m sure the small screen DVD will work, but the humor is real, and it is a funny film. I enjoyed it a lot.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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