The Lab of Madness, Film Science, Neighborhood Watch,

Macon Blair, Devin Ratray, Amy Hargreaves, Kevin Kolack, Eve Plumb, David W. Thompson, Brent Werzner, Stacy Rock, Sidné Anderson

Dwight (Macon Blair) is a homeless guy, living in his car down by the ocean. He’s a gentle guy, but just wants to be left alone. But when the cops pull him in to let him know the guy who murdered his parents is being released, he knows it means he’ll be coming after him and for his sister and her family which is all he has left. So he heads to the small town where he was raised to help his sister’s family as he confirms that his worst suspicions are correct. He must use all his wits to try to survive their revenge.

This was a surprising film. I didn’t expect a lot from this film, but I was pleasantly surprised. It escalated very quickly and the excitement built rapidly to a fever pitch. Very cleverly written, and a lot of suspense built up to keep us on the edge of our seats. One lone man against a slew of enemies is not a new topic, but this was done in a rather unique way. The twists were unexpected and it was interesting all the way through. Though no major stars, and a low budget independent film, it’s still very interesting, well crafted, and full of surprises. One thing you may completely miss, there is a familiar face among the Cleland family who is after Dwight. One of the family members is Eve Plumb, better known to many of us as Jan Brady, the middle daughter between Marcia and Cindy.

I actually really enjoyed this story and found it very well done. I would recommend it as a suspenseful thriller film that will keep you biting your fingernails throughout.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Warner Premiere, Hollywood Media Bridge, Telvan Productions,

Daniel Stern, Braeden Lemasters, Stacey Travis, Valin Shinyei, Gerard Plunkett, David Buehrle, David W. Thompson, Tiera Skovbye

Ralphie (Braeden Lemasters) is now 15, almost 16, and has grown up a lot. This year, his Christmas Wish has to do with a beautiful girl, a driver’s license, and a very special car. But Ralph wrecks the top on the car while it’s still on the lot, so along with his friends Flick and Schwartz, they have to try to earn the money to fix the car or else the dealer will call the cops, in this sequel to the original beloved Christmas story.

First of all, a lot of people absolutely HATE this movie. It’s a direct to DVD film, just released in 2012, and so it’s not very spectacular. But those that hate this, I think, went in with the wrong attitude. Obviously a direct to DVD film is not going to be another classic like the original. It features actors and actresses that somehow resemble the first film’s cast. But somehow I didn’t hate this movie. I expected it to be horrible, and it wasn’t. Granted, the story isn’t too hot, and there is no way in the world to live up to the original, but they didn’t simply copy it. They paid homage to the original story, and made reference to the original many times in an oddly reverential way, believe it or not. The leg lamp makes it’s appearance, as does the furnace monster. There are lots of other references as well, and they are carefully done without mocking. It’s seriously done, but keeps the comedy that was in the original, but isn’t just slapstick or mockery. Certainly it cannot hold a candle to the original film, but it was a kind revisit which was kind of sweet when you get to it. They went to great pains to find actors that resemble the originals, and they did pay a lot of respect to the film they were updating, so it was not overbearing at all. I was glad to see it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Everest Entertainment, Fox Searchlight Pictures, Groundswell Productions

Paul Giamatti, Amy Ryan, Bobby Cannavale, Jeffrey Tambor, Burt Young, Melanie Lynskey, Alex Shaffer, Margo Martindale, David W. Thompson

Mike Flaherty (Paul Giamatti) is a part time wrestling coach and a down on his luck lawyer. Business is bad, and he’s in financial trouble. But Mike is hiding it from his wife. One of his only clients is an elderly man whose about to be made ward of the state and sent to a nursing home, but it turns out he has a lot of money. Mike’s idea is to become guardian of the man, and keep the money provided in his role of guardian. But suddenly Leo’s (Burt Young) grandson shows up, and it turns out he’s a great wrestler. Mike thinks it’s the perfect situation where he can also take in the grandson, keep the old man’s money, and put the grandson on the wrestling team, keep the office open, and his wife will be none the wiser. That is until the old man’s daughter, fresh out of rehab suddenly arrives to derail everything.

I’m getting to be a big fan of Paul Giamatti. In fact, ever since I first saw him as “Pig Virus” in the Howard Stern film “Private Parts” I’ve been a fan. But he seems to get better and better appearing in very quirky films. This is one of those. Mike is a nice guy, who’s trying to keep everything rolling. But he’s taking advantage of everyone in the process and being dishonest to everyone. Mike’s got to take a good look at his flaws and decide if it’s worth the effort to clean up his life. But at the same time, it’s really funny. There is such humor in Paul’s character. Everybody here has an agenda, and the interplay between the two assistant coaches is hilarious. Also Leo and his Mom Cleo (played brilliantly by Melanie Lynskey) are really good. Leo hates his mom because she’s never been there for him, and loved her drugs and drinks more. Now she’s still in it for herself. It’s a twisted feel good film, and is strong in values, but the mix of comedy makes it really unique. Yes, it’s quirky, but very good. I really enjoyed this film, and so it’s a Win-Win for the producers/actors, and the audience. 🙂

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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