BRON Studios, Creative Wealth Media Finance, DC Comics,

Joaquin Phoenix, Robert De Niro, Zazie Beetz, Frances Conroy, Brett Cullen, Shea Whigham, Bill Camp, Glenn Fleshler, Leigh Gill, Josh Pais, Rocco Luna, Marc Maron, Sondra James, Murphy Guyer, Douglas Hodge

Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) is a very poor man, living in a run down tenement in Gotham City with his aged mother Penny Fleck (Frances Conroy). He makes a few bucks any way he can, working as a clown trying to sell product or to entertain children. But Arthur’s dream is to be a standup comedian. His idol is Murray Franklin (Robert DeNiro) who is the late night talk show host on Gotham TV. But things are not easy for Arthur, and things keep going from bad to worse. His social worker (Arthur definitely has mental issues) is taken away during budget cuts, and when Arthur loses his job, there is not much left to live for. An odd turn of events makes Arthur take on his alternate ego of “Joker” and things looks very bleak for his future.

This is a stunning film. It is not at all pretty, and is very caustic and violent at every turn. It will turn your stomach as you realize the crap a poor man in Gotham has to go through just to survive, and this is the background story of the arch-enemy of Batman, The Joker. We see what made him turn into the deranged villain he was, and we also learn a lot of what we though was true was actually not what happened at all. This film was extremely coarse, but very, very well done. I was stunned at the performance Joaquin turned in here, and I think he’s looking at a great number of awards this season! This has to be nominated as the best performance by a lead actor. It’s really that good. The film is excellent, and has some excellent performances, but Joaquin steals the show and is extremely outstanding. I was deeply moved by this film, and I personally think it was an amazing experience to see this movie that is simply based on one character out of the batman series. This really helped me to understand Joker, and I will certainly not soon forget it. I didn’t expect much when I went to see this film, but I was really touched. I recommend this to anyone who can handle the extreme violence and the very sad things that happened to this poor fellow. I will never think of Jack Nicholson again when I think of Joker. Joaquin was THAT GOOD!

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment,

Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jared Leto, Jai Courtney, Joel Kinnaman, Cara Delevingne, Viola Davis, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Adam Beach, Jay Hernandez, Karen Fukuhara

Our government is once again petrified that the next Superman that comes along may be a really bad guy who might be ready to wipe out humanity, so they figure they got to do something proactively to prepare in case a bad space alien shows up. So the plan is to put together a team of really bad folks with superpowers and keep them safely locked up and protected, but to hold something over their heads so that in case something bad happens, the will have a desire to do what is asked of them for their own greedy purposes. But when the super villains figure out that maybe they’re being used, many decide to go out on their own wreaking havoc and destruction everywhere as the rest try to contain them. What follows is an epic battle of evil vs more evil.

Each time I watch and review a movie featuring comic book characters, I mention the fact that I have never been a huge comic book/ comic book movie fan. But there have been some that have really impressed me and make me really glad I watched it. This one, however, isn’t one of those. I found this one really tedious, I’m sorry to say. But as I read other users and their comments, I figured out pretty quick that my feelings were felt by many other people as well which sort of validated my indecisiveness about this film. I was afraid it was my fault as a non-comics guy, but it’s more than that. I was bothered by Will Smith as DeadShot. He is a bit too recognizable to take on a role like that, and it bothered me all the way through that it was Will playing the part. There were a LOT of characters that are not really very recognizable, and it took a lot of effort to try to figure out all those characters and what their back story and motivation was so we could know where they were coming from. The battle scenes weren’t bad, but the feeling that I got was that it was all being done just to have something to do to fill up the time. The story did not catch me, and I was very apathetic as to whether they succeeded or not. The whole movie was just a bit chaotic for my taste and I sure got distracted all the way through. When it was over, I said, “That’s it?”, but then realized that I wasn’t playing that much attention to it. Not a great experience for me, so unless you’re a big Comic Book fan, there are many better choices that this one. Guardian of the Galaxy (which this movie obviously tried to cash in on) was a much better movie, for sure.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Warner Bros., Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics,

Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter, Gal Gadot, Scoot McNairy, Michael Shannon

After his struggle against General Zod, Metropolis has been destroyed. Superman (Henry Cavill) is the most dangerous figure in the world. Some people still view him as good and a savior of mankind, but the rest think maybe he is a threat to humanity as he is like a god and answers to no one, not the military, not the government, just his own will. Bruce Wayne the Batman (Ben Affleck) thinks, Superman is a danger to the world because he has so much power and is not controllable. The rivalry between them is furious, unknowingly fed by Lex Luthor who eggs them on to war. Lex has a secret weapon and its an awesome monster of greater power than both Superman and Batman combined, unleashing it after his plan to have them destroy each other is complete.

This film was met with both undying love, and intense hate. I think the main fuel for the haters is simply Ben Affleck as Batman. I don’t think this is fair, as I think he did a pretty awesome job, but Batman is not a very nice guy in this movie which certainly cripples Ben’s ability to play him properly. I, not surprisingly, find myself in the middle somewhere. Am I glad I went out to see it with my grandson in 3D on the big screen? Certainly! Did I fall asleep in the middle of it? Well, the seats reclined and were very comfy, and for a good while the action died down to a crawl as we tried to spend time listening to the dialog and watch the script try to rationalize why Batman and Superman hated each other. I wasn’t the only one who fell asleep for a while. But the effects were awesome, the 3D was awesome, and that final battle and the surprise character to arrives in the nick of time was awesome! All kidding aside, this film was better than ok, and I’m certainly glad to see it, but I was not blown away by this movie. Although I have never been a big fan of superhero movies anyway, and typically Batman and Superman and the like leave me yawning. This is the same. The final ending surprised me. I hadn’t heard it and I didn’t expect it. But I don’t really believe it, either. We’ll see. You have to watch this, even if it’s on DVD, because it’s going to be part of pop culture for years to come. So you might as well do it and get it over with. It’s not bad at all.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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