Lionsgate, Lakeshore Entertainment, Pantelion Films,

Djimon Hounsou, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Michael Paré, Dougray Scott, Kathleen Robertson, Cas Anvar, John Patrick Amedori, Michael Peña

Angela Holmes (Olivia Dudley) is a 27 year old who is having really bad psychic problems and is hospitalized, but when people close to her are getting harmed one after another, a priest is called and they recommend exorcism. But when Father Lozano (Michael Pena) calls in the big guns from the Vatican to help, the exorcism shows they are dealing with an ancient evil who is far more powerful than they ever expected, and the ultimate battle between good and evil is on, big time.

This is a relatively decent horror film. As you probably have noticed, I’m a bit of a horror fan, so I tend to score them higher than I would if it was another genre. I admit this isn’t a spectacular horror film, but darn it, it wasn’t all that bad. Granted some of the characters in the film were wasted. The connection to the Vatican is somewhat weak. There is one scene in the end that left me really confused as to why it was in there if not to make a Vatican connection, but Michael Pena as the local priest who is watching over Angela, the father, and certainly Angela herself were pretty good and did a decent job. The exorcism itself was very well done, and the effects weren’t over the top as they tend to do today, but were understated enough to let the actors bring the terror and fear without detracting from it with silly CGI shots of demons and such. All in all it’s a fast moving, really creepy, scary movie that does the trick, and if you enjoy exorcism films, this may be the best one I’ve seen in a while. I liked this film and I found it very entertaining and suspenseful, and I recommend this for horror fans everywhere.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Weinstein Company, The, BBC Films, Lipsync Productions

Michelle Williams, Eddie Redmayne, Kenneth Branagh, Dominic Cooper, Julia Ormond, Emma Watson, Judi Dench, Zoë Wanamaker, Toby Jones, Derek Jacobi, Dougray Scott

Colin Clark (Eddie Redmayne) is a British guy, dying to get into the movie business. He gets the chance to work as Sir Lawrence Olivier (Kenneth Branaugh)’s assistant for a movie he is making with Marilyn Monroe (Michelle Williams). Marilyn appears to be getting burned out on the whole Hollywood star thing, and decides to run off with Colin for a week of fun and frivolity. This movie is based on the book/diary kept by Colin of his adventures during his week with Marilyn.

This is neither a great film, nor is it a bad film. It’s relatively interesting, and it does try to give us some insight into the real Marilyn. Michelle Williams is not really Marilyn, and that’s ok. She brings to the screen the illusion of Marilyn, and that’s all that we should really expect. She does a good job of doing that. This is not really the story of Marilyn anyway. It is really Colin’s story in his words and from his point of view. Sometimes it’s rather slow, and it’s not a really exciting movie, but at the same time it is entertaining, and is a look back into the movie studio days of the past. It’s a film about movie-making, and about the people who made the movies. I don’t know if this film deserves all the accolades it was given, but it’s not too bad, and worth watching if you are interested in the subject.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Antena 3 Films, Mount Santa Fe,

Charlie Cox, Wes Bentley, Dougray Scott, Unax Ugalde, Olga Kurylenko, Pablo Lapadula, Golshifteh Farahani, Rusty Lemorande, Ana Torrent

The story of a young journalist, investigating the life of Josemaria (Charlie Cox) who is a candidate for sainthood. JoseMaria was involved in the Spanish Civil war, who had a friend, Manalo (Wes Bentley) who is the journalists own estranged father who is in bad health and on his deathbed. As he learns more about the terrible times his father had, and the tough choices he had to make, the story becomes about forgiveness most of all.

This is an epic film. It tells three stories, really, the modern story of gradual understanding and forgiveness of the journalist for his father. The story of his father, and the hard choices he had to make, and the story of Josemaria and what he did. Manalo and Josemaria were childhood friends whose lives went in different directions, yet still touched each other in numerous ways as they went through the horrors of the civil war. The movie is very big, and the photography is stunning. But the story is a bit too confusing and misses the mark, in my opinion. Some historians, who are scholars on the time period, loved it. For me though, it was kind of a confusing mess. I guess the problem is that I didn’t identify with the story, and therefore didn’t really get caught up in it. I found it to be rather boring and lost interest frequently.

It’s been a bad couple weeks with movies that were disappointing. It’s funny how that seems to go in cycles. We had a period of great historical dramas for a while, and suddenly several that I really didn’t care for. This is one that I felt was a waste of time for me to watch, as I just was simply not interested. I felt disappointed in this film, and didn’t think it was worth the effort. Another dud.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Just Nuts Films, Trifle Films

Claire Forlani, Dougray Scott, Gordon Ramsay, Lee Boardman, Peter Bowles, Joshua Bowman, Simon Callow, John Atterbury, Matthew Clancy

Rob Haley (Dougray Scott) is an up-and-coming chef with a great future who is thrown for a loop with the sudden, unexpected loss of his wife. Real life chef, Gordon Ramsey visits him in London and with his encouragement, pushes him to turn a run-down country pub into a gourmet restaurant. His food catches the eye – and taste buds – of beautiful American food critic Kate Templeton (Claire Forlani). Before long, a love story evolves with all the trails and tribulations, joys and heatbreaks that a good love story brings.

This is a peaceful film. It’s a romantic comedy which is playful and fun. No groundbreaking surprises here, just a warm friendly chick flick. Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy tries to win girl back. Nothing earth shattering, but it has the feel of a Hallmark Christmas type film, although it’s not holiday themed at all. It’s still got the warmth and feel of a nice love story. Worth watching for fans of this type of film. You could do a lot worse. And don’t let Ramsay scare you. He’s only it is a couple times, but he takes over the screen whenever he shows up. Watch Instantly on NetFlix, or any of a bunch of other ways to watch it, or keep an eye out for it on cable.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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