Summit Entertainment

Robert Pattinson, Emilie de Ravin, Pierce Brosnan

Wow, this is dark!  A moving and touching film that is bound to strike a chord with almost anyone due to the misadventures of one or another of the characters.  Everybody has problems in this movie.  And I mean everyone!

A terrible family tragedy has fractured Tyler’s family, and everyone has issues.  They’re trying to work them out, but nobody seems to be in control or in charge.   Everyone handles their tradgedy badly and in different ways.  If anything this film is a character study of dysfunctional people.

This is a typical independent film, and as such it’s really slow.  Also the ending is rather unfulfilling, but if you can handle independant type films, and can manage to get through the start of the film, it gets a lot better in the last half hour when it all comes together.

I rated this rather harshly in my opinion because it was so slow to develop, and you really couldn’t like any of these characters as everybody is flawed.  Maybe too much of it’s close to home, and maybe I’m not fair.   Perhaps I’ll come back in time after digesting it, and raise the rating.  What do you think?  Is it better than my gut tells me it is?

Oh, and if you’re Team Edward, this isn’t the same guy.  Well, yeah it is, but he won’t look or sound like the same guy!  He almost had me fooled.  🙂

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Author: EdG

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