WhiteFlame Productions,
Evan Rachel Wood, Scott Speedman, Treat Williams, Kate Burton, J.K. Simmons, J. Omar Castro, David Jensen

Jay Wheeler (Scott Speedman) was always the bad kid. He got no respect from his father (Treat Williams) and is the only one of the family estranged from the rest of the family. Jay’s brother is about to be married, and Jay mouths off about his new girlfriend who’s a nurse, and promises to bring her home with him to meet the family for the wedding. Jay’s screwed up again, and is doing community service mopping floors in the city’s psychiatric hospital, but he can’t find anyone willing to be his date to the wedding. But when he meets a young mental patient Daisy Kensington (Evan Rachel Wood) who has fallen for him, when she decides to run away from the hospital, he decides to take her to the wedding. Of course she has been raised by a mother (Carrie style) who kept her locked away from the world, so this pretty young girl is absolutely not prepared to meet this judgmental family and try to fit in to their rich lifestyle.
This is a raucous comedy, mostly due to the work of Evan Rachel Wood. I have always been a fan of her work, but she really shines in this film. She’s the real humor and fun in the whole story. She is so awestruck by everything that happens, and her attempts to try to fit in a hilarious. This is a real hidden gem of a movie, as the humor is really good. There were a lot of laughs throughout, and it’s lighthearted and fun. We get to grow with Jay as he learns what he really is, and that he’s not what his father has always told him he is, when he meets someone with a worse mother and his father was to him. It has a lot of heart and is very comfortable, but with a great dose of good humor. As a PG-13, this film could have gone way too far, but as it is, it’s not vulgar or rude in any way. I obviously had never heard of this movie, and as a small independent film, it is way off most people’s radar, but I was really pleasantly pleased with this, and I have to recommend this one as a very well done indie comedy.
EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog
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Lagniappe Films, I’m So Sorry Productions, Mega Playground,
Justin Long, Evan Rachel Wood, Keir O’Donnell, Busy Philipps, Sienna Miller, Peter Dinklage, Brendan Fraser

Sam (Justin Long) is a writer, feeling lonely and attracted to the pretty coffee barista, Birdy (Evan Rachel Wood), he sets out to win her by studying her Facebook profile. He find out everything she likes, then pretends to be the perfect guy for her. In the beginning, it’s just a joke, but when he finds himself really falling for her, he can’t decide whether to come clean or keep up the charade in this romantic comedy.
This had a lot of promise with the great cast of characters in this film, but it’s basically the story of Sam and Birdy, and I must admit I’m not really a huge Justin Long fan. I’m not sure why I’m not, but it’s partly the material he gets, but perhaps more likely the fact that he seems like a 30 minute sitcom actor rather than a leading man in a feature film. Although the movie was not at all the worst I’ve seen lately, it just didn’t strike me as that great. Something in the chemistry is off, and these two just don’t seem to be a pair. The story is not all that original, and this concept has been done over and over before the Facebook days with other methods of finding out what the girl likes and pretending to be that. Facebook is not that “hot” these days, and so it’s not novelty enough to be able to be a unique enough hook to bring you in. Besides, without being friends with a person, you can’t see all these details about someone. But that’s just poetic license here, really, and the problem is just that we don’t like the characters enough to really care about what happens to them. If you’re in need of a rom-com, this one is certainly watchable, but I would not go out of my way to search for this one. It’s just mediocre at best.
EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog
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American Film Company, The, Wildwood Enterprises
James McAvoy, Robin Wright, Evan Rachel Wood, Alexis Bledel, Justin Long, Danny Huston, Norman Reedus, Kevin Kline, Tom Wilkinson
Abraham Lincoln was shot, attempts were made on the Vice President and the Secretary of State. John Wilkes Booth was identified as the shooter, and he was captured and killed, but the public knew there was more than one person involved and wanted a trial. Booth and a number of other conspirators met at the boarding house of Mary Surratt (Robin Wright Penn) and her son in Washington. Mary’s son was nowhere to be found, but Mary was arrested under the suspicion that she was a participant in the plan. It was a military trial with no jury and the accused was not allowed to speak on her own behalf. The story is of young lawyer Frederick Aiken (James McAvoy) as he defends Mary Surratt.
Directed by Robert Redford, the American Film Company is bringing this, as the first, in a series of factual movies based on America History. This story is one that will haunt you. The story is told in unflinching truth, and from what I can tell is pretty historically accurate. It is a 2 hour labor of love to tell the story of this interesting gentleman and what happens to him when he is called upon to represent a damn rebel murderer. He comes to think that maybe she is innocent, but recognizes that she is not able to get a fair trial and he goes to elaborate lengths to try to convince the military tribunal that what they are doing is wrong. Through his efforts it was decided by the supreme court that american civilians must be tried in a public court and not in military tribunals.
Excellent cinematography and beautiful period Washington D.C. in the 1860’s. The film is rich and vibrant, but also very touching and very, very interesting from start to end. I am really glad I got to see this film, and we all enjoyed watching it very much. I highly recommend this film for all ages, except maybe very small children.
EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog
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