Eyeworks Fine & Mellow, Film i Väst, Filmgate Films,

James Franco, Kate Hudson, Omar Sy, Tom Wilkinson

Tom (James Franco) and Ann Wright (Kate Hudson) are young married couple that are struggling financially. They want desperately to have a child, but can’t afford the treatments to make it happen. They rent their basement apartment to a guy who turns up dead, and who seems to be involved with some nasty characters. Tom and Ann find a bag full of money hidden in their basement and they are good people who just need a little help to get through a rough financial patch, so they decide to only use a little bit of it. But when the hoods show up looking for the cash, they are in big, big trouble.

This crime drama feels familiar. We’ve certainly been through this scenario before. But this movie is really well done. With James Franco, Kate Hudson, and Tom Wilkinson performing here, we know we’re going to get a first class performance from all of them. The don’t disappoint. They are really good. The back story on Tom Wilkinson’s character is so tragic and touching that we really feel for him, and his presence adds a lot to the film. The bad guys are bad, and the action and suspense are both extremely well done. If it were not for the familiarity of the story, this would have been a really top notch thriller. So we pretty much know where it’s going to go and how it’s going to end up, but for this film, it’s not the destination, but the journey that makes it worthwhile. I would call this a great film, but it’s certainly worthy of watching, and is very well done.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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