Chesler/Perlmutter Productions

Judd Nelson, Justin Landry, Natalie Brown, John Flemming, Sante Scaletta, Connor Price, David keeley, Robert Latimer, Jean Yoon, David Gingrich, Deborah Grover, Frank McAnulty

Santa Claus (Judd Nelson) is in trouble. Because of the terrible attitude in the world, Christmas is about to be cancelled permanently. Santa has one chance, to go down to the mainland, and prove that there still is some Christmas spirit around. So with his head elf in tow, Randal (Justin Landry) they head to take a job as a school janitor at a high school with some troubled kids. Two boys in particular are pranking their way into the record books of naughty. But one of the boys, the ringleader, is a rich kid who lost his mother the year before and his father, to deal with his own grief, has thrown himself into his work neglecting the son who needs him so much. Learning to give instead of receive is what these boys need, and Kris Frost (Santa) as the school janitor sets off on his task trying to reach them, and touch them.

I went into this film thinking it was going to be very silly. I really was expecting to hate it from the get go, and the first few minutes didn’t disappoint me. But as I got into the story, I found it a lot better than I ever expected. Yes, this is a Hallmark holiday film from last year, being repeated this year, but it’s actually a pretty decent story. The kids are really not bad, but acting out based upon the lot they’ve been given. They have redeeming qualities and just need some pushing to realize that they are not really evil. Their school teacher and his son has a lot to do with whether they will make it or not. It’s really not corny, as I expected, and has a lot of really good acting. The story is strong enough to carry you for a couple hours, and it’s really a very warm and friendly little Christmas movie. I think it’s one that well worth tracking down if you haven’t seen it before. It’s a nice little film.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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