Albuquerque Studios, DreamWorks SKG, Gaeta / Rosenzweig Films

Colin Farrell, Anton Yelchin, David Tennant, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Imogen Poots, Toni Collette, Dave Franco, Grace Phipps, Reid Ewing

Teenager Charley Brewster (Anton Yelchin) suspects that his new neighbor, the strange and confusing Jerry Dandrige (Colin Farrell), is a vampire. Charley turns to a self-styled vampire expert and Vegas magician and showman, Peter Vincent (David Tennant), for help. Vincent proves pretty useless, and it’s up to Charley to save his mom, Jane (Toni Collette), and girlfriend, Amy, from the seductive bloodsucker next door.

This remake of the 1985 horror film goes much more for horror than for comedy as the original did. Though there are some truly funny scenes, especially when Vincent is involved. He’s a very “Arthur” like alcoholic, playboy, rich as sin, but basically useless character, basically this is the vampire movie that vampire movies should be like. It’s pretty scary and has some very good nightmare inducing scenes in it, for sure! It was actually not bad. This particular breed of vampires are very tough to deal with, and it takes everything they have to survive. Vincent’s statement that you don’t hunt vampires, you survive if you can, is a good one.

Very well acted and the desert scenes in this little subdivision out in the Vegas desert is really perfect for this kind of thing. Working all night and sleeping all day is a lifestyle that fits in well in Vegas. They are remote enough to not be able to get any help, but the constant view of the Vegas skyline in the distance is a reminder of the place that’s not far away. I saw this film in 3D and the 3D effects were very good. I’m beginning to not think about the extra couple dollars spent on the 3D glasses each time because it really adds to my enjoyment of the film. I know some people cannot stand 3D, but for me, it’s a great add to many films. This is one of them. In a season with a lot of horror films coming out, this is one that could get lost in the shuffle, especially as it’s a remake, but I certainly like it better than the original and it is a vampire film I could “sink my teeth into” (pun intended). Enjoy!

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



Here is the preview for the 1985 “original” version



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