Harvey Boys, The, NVSH Productions

Melissa Leo, John Goodman, Michael Angarano, Kyle Gallner, Kevin Pollak, Stephen Root, Marc Blucas, Kevin Alejandro, Michael Parks, Anna Gunn

Three teenage boys are discouraged because all the ads for loose women seem to be for gals in New York and Los Angeles. But when they find a local lady offering to have sex with all three of them at once, they jump at the chance. These middle America boys soon find themselves in deep trouble though, as it’s all a setup by a group of fundamentalists who want to use the boys as an example in their compound. But things escalate and the ATF folks show up headed by Joseph Keenan (John Goodman) who is given orders to put an end to the situation at all costs.

This is advertised as a horror film, but it’s not. Granted the boys are held against their will, horror style, but these are fanatical fundamentalists, not crazed insane serial killers. It’s a statement about the government having too much power after the 9/11 attacks and the Patriot Act. Not very realistic, still it’s a good story and well acted. The story grabs your interest, and though it starts out like “Porky’s” it ends up like the Waco story. A few interesting twists and things you probably won’t expect, and it makes itself into a pretty decent story.

It’s got gun violence and some salty language, but in general, it’s your typical action flick. With a lot of slow movies at this time of the year, it’s good to see something a bit original in the new DVD releases. This was a film that missed in the theaters, and as such, it’s a pretty decent rental.

If you’re a fan of action, I would recommend it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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