Mad Chance, Starboard Entertainment,

Nat Wolff, Selena Gomez, Mary-Louise Parker, Elisabeth Shue, Dylan McDermott, Lachlan Buchanan, Heather Graham, Ashley Rickards, Jason Lee, Austin Stowell

Rick Stevens (Nat Wolfe) has had a huge crush on the perfect girl, Nina Pennington (Selena Gomez), for as long as he can remember and now that she’s breaking up with the school jock and bully Kevin (Austin Stowell), now seems to be the time for him to make his move on her. But aside from Kevin wanting to kill him, everything else seems to go wrong in hilarious ways as the horny neighbor Pam Bender (Elisabeth Shue) has her eyes on him and even the Lithuanian mob is after him as he tries everything in his power to impress Nina in all the wrong ways.

Nick’s only 18, but he’s in every kind of trouble you can imagine. This makes for a pretty raucous comedy with a goodly number of laughs. Selena Gomez, who is longing for a bad girl role, got cast again and the churchgoing religious girl who can’t believe all the crap Nick’s into and as such she plays that pretty well. Nick’s friends and employer and even his enemies make for good fun, and Nick’s parents are just as nuts as the rest of them. All in all, this brings us a pretty good sized cast with each one adding to the merriment. Certainly not a record breaking piece of cinema, but good teen-age angst, getting into trouble at every turn type of humor that is probably more fun for older teens than for adults who are long past those years. This is worth the time if you’re interested in a naughty teen comedy with lots of toilet humor and not much redeeming value. Not a great film, but decent enough for a few laughs.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Red Granite Pictures, Mandalay Pictures,

Daniel Radcliffe, Juno Temple, Max Minghella, Joe Anderson, Kelli Garner, Heather Graham, David Morse, Kathleen Quinlan, James Remar

Ig Parrish (Daniel Radcliffe) has been in love with Merrin Williams (Juno Temple) since they were children. Noww Ig is prepared to ask her to marry him, but suddenly she turns up brutally murdered, and everyone in town seems to think he is the killer. To make matters worse “horns” begin growing on his forehead and everyone seems more than willing to confess their deepest and darkest sins ever since. It appears Ig is doomed unless he can somehow use this bizarre situation to determine who really killed Merrin, or if he did actually do it an can’t remember, before it’s too late.

People seem to have a love/hate relationship with this film. Either it’s extremely loved or wildly hated. I think perhaps the haters just don’t get it or don’t get the point of the story. This story is definitely not intended to be taken literally, nor can it be watched as a mystery/thriller with the expectation that normal things are going to happen. This is more of an allegory, or a way to look at issues that haunt or torture us. In normal thrillers, people do not grow horns that only certain people can see. If you try to take this film literally, you’ll go nuts. But this story is presented, like most fairy tales, as if it were real, so you have to suspend the disbelief at the premise, but simply accept that this happened, and enjoy the ride. Daniel Radcliffe did an excellent job with this role, and went through many metamorphoses along the way, not only in physical appearance, but emotionally.

The look of this movie is excellent, it’s very creepy. The suspense level is very high, and there’s quite a bit of blood and pain. The two main actors, Daniel and Juno are excellent, and the dialog is pretty good. It’s one of those films that you have to sit back and think about. I must admit, I really enjoyed it quite a bit, and I’m glad I passed on my instinct that this would be silly, and gave it a try.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Green Hat Films, Legendary Pictures,

Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms, Justin Bartha, Heather Graham, Jamie Chung

After Alan (Zach Galifianakis)’s dad dies, the family decides to pull an intervention as he’s off his meds and acting crazy. The Wolf Pack decides to drive him out to the facility, but are kidnapped by Marshall (John Goodman) who is after Chow (Ken Jeong) who ripped off Marshall. A nice drive to Palm Springs turns into another adventure in this third installment of the Wolf Pack.

The Hangover films are really funny. There’s no doubt that it’s running out of steam, and this one is not as good as the others. But it’s still pretty funny. The characters are really well developed by now, and so they can play their parts seamlessly. John Goodman was an interesting bad guy. He’s on one side, absolutely brutal, and at the next second, being kind and forgiving. Chow is off the chain now. He’s been getting crazier as each film goes on, and in this one, he’s nuts! Alan, on the other hand, gets a chance to grow up in this one, and calm himself down a little bit. These guys get in trouble quicker than any group I’ve seen, and there’s certainly lots of challenges here. This is much more of a cops and robbers film though, and until the ending, some of the familiar stuff is missing. This is not as great as the previous, but it’s still well worth watching, especially if you missed it in the theater and have a chance to catch it on DVD. If you’ve seen the other two, then you have to watch this one. You gotta know the rest of the story.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Black Bear Pictures, Treehouse Pictures, Killer Films,

Zac Efron, Heather Graham, Dennis Quaid, Clancy Brown, Kim Dickens, Chelcie Ross, Maika Monroe, Red West, Sophie Curtis, John Hoogenakker

Dean Whipple (Zac Efron) loves racing. He’s a good driver, and has his heart set on racing for a living. But his dad Henry (Dennis Quaid) is dead set against anything other than Dean taking over the families farming business. The Whipples have been a farming family for generations, and when we meet Henry’s father, we find out why he’s so tough on his son. But Henry also is trying to keep the business afloat by doing some shady business deals, and something they call “cleaning” seeds, which is saving some of the genetically modified seeds to resell, which is illegal under their contract. The family is in crisis and can lose their farm when the seed company sends investigators to check out Henry’s business practices. This film is mostly about the family and the pressures to stay afloat in very tough times as well as the relationship between 3 generations of Whipple men.

This is a relatively interesting film, although it’s ground that we’ve covered again and again. It’s son who doesn’t want to be “a doctor, a lawyer, a cop, a marine, a farmer) and wants to exert his independence from a dictatorial father who just doesn’t understand him. That part of it we’ve seen before. Then there’s the guy who has to be somebody who makes some bad decisions and risks his whole family for his greed. It is a familiar story, and is often blasted by the critics. But I did enjoy this movie, after all, and for several varied reasons. Dennis Quaid is pretty good here. He did an excellent job with his character, and I could really feel the pressures he was under to perform. He never says it, but we feel that he too, is making the best of a life that he had no choice in. His father is very rude, and is quite easy to hate, but I feel like he’s a product of his generation too, and probably his father as well. Choices were made for them, and they had no choice but to continue in the family business. That’s why it’s easy to see why he can’t understand why Dean is not at all interested in following in the predetermined plan. It’s true that the players brought their own problems on themselves due to really bad choices, but I think it’s understandable why they did what they did. Zac has a relatively dramatic role which he handles really well. He’s getting pretty good at drama and losing the Disney Channel image without naked twerking and raping Robin Thicke at the VMA rewards. He’s turning into a dramatic actor. All in all it’s a familiar story that isn’t extremely memorable or remarkable, but its a warm friendly old fashioned American tale of small town people. It was relaxing to watch, and enjoyable, and I had no trouble with the story. It was relaxing to watch.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Reel FX Creative Studios, Smokewood Entertainment Group

Jordana Beatty, Heather Graham, Parris Mosteller, Preston Bailey, Kristoffer Ryan Winters, Garrett Ryan, Jaleel White, Ashley Boettcher, Taylar Hender, Cameron Boyce, Jenica Bergere, Janet Varney

Based on the Judy Moody books by Megan McDonald, Judy (Jordana Beatty) is making plans for an awesome summer. She’s setup a Summer Adventure chart that add points for awesome things like riding the awesome Scream Monster (bonus points for no hands) and such. But her friends have their own things to do, leaving Judy with her brother Stink who’s spending his summer searching for Bigfoot. So Judy does her best to have an awesome summer, but everything she tries turns out bad for her, and zero points. But when Aunt Opal (Heather Graham) comes to babysit them, she is a no holds bar, free spirit, and always up for fun! With Aunt Opal’s help, the summer may not turn out so awful after all.

This is definitely a kids film. Unlike some others, there’s not a lot for adults here. Generally though, the pre-teen crowd ought to just love this film. I found it mildly entertaining, but rate it highly because I think it is great fun for the intended audience. They really did a good job bringing these characters to life, and like Ramona and Beezus, this film will resonate with the younger kids. IT’s well done, and does have a sense of fun and adventure (and disappointment) that is fun to watch. I highly recommend this for your kids, especially girls, and I know they’ll love it if they haven’t already seen it.

If you don’t have kids to watch this with, then it might not be much fun to try to watch it as a grown up, as I doubt we’ll catch the humor that the kids do. But for the younger viewers, this is a must see.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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