Walt Disney Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, Outlaw Productions (I)

Tim Allen, Judge Reinhold, Wendy Crewson, Peter Boyle, Eric Lloyd, David Krumholtz, Jayne Eastwood

Scott Calvin(Tim Allen) is a divorced Dad who is struggling with his ex-wife Laura(Wendy Crewson)’s dorky new fiance, Dr. Miller(Judge Reinhold)and a small kid Charlie (Eric Lloyd). Scott is spending Christmas Eve at home with Charlie when a noise on the roof makes the run outside and startle Santa into slipping and falling to his death off the Calvin’s roof. When Scott puts on the Santa suit, he finds that he has been recruited as the new Santa to replace the one he accidentally killed. That’s the Santa Claus. Scott has one year to put his things in order so that he can live full time at the North Pole. The trouble is that Charlie wants to tell everyone that his dad is Santa which causes everyone to think he’s got mental problems. Furthermore, Dr. Miller is a psychiatrist and trying to convince a little kid that the North Pole doesn’t exist, especially when he’s been there! Scott has a lot of getting used to things, but from the looks of it, he may just pull it off.

This is one of the classiest of the (fairly) recent Christmas films. It sparked 2 sequels (so far) and is a very well know and much loved Christmas story. This is one of the funniest of the three, and seeing Scott trying to fit into the role is pretty clever. No matter what he does, he keeps growing a beard and gaining tremendous amounts of weight. But aside from being funny, it also has a lot of heart, especially the relationship between Scott and Charlie. If there’s anyone out there who has never seen this film, it’s a must see, and if you have, it’s probably time to catch it again. It’s one of the best Holiday films ever, and certainly one to be appreciated again and again.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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