Darclight Films, Escape Factory, Foundation Features

Jessica Lowndes, Julianna Guill, Ryan Donowho, Jake Weary, Landon Liboiron, Mike Dopud, Chelah Horsdal, Ian Robison, Michelle Harrison, Ryan Grantham

A rookie pilot Sara (Jessica Lowndes) decides to take her friends on a joyride in a small plane, but when they hit unexpected turbulence, get caught in an unexpected storm, something supernatural takes them by surprise and the plane, low on gas, starts climbing out of control higher and higher and higher.

This is a low budget film that is really rather suspenseful. The story isn’t perfect, but it’s a lot like a Twilight Zone or Outer Limits story that is expanded a bit. Unknown actors for the most part, but pretty decent. But the suspense, and even shock, is pretty intense for a story with this kind of budget.

I really enjoyed watching this. I have seen a bunch of hate reviews, and this is probably from people who expected a lot more than this movie has. It’s a simple science fiction story, so pilots and engineers will get a kick out of mocking the “science” in this movie. But the purpose of the story is not the science or the supernatural, but a character study of the 5 teen friends and how they can work through the troubles and challenges that face them. There are some surprises, but a lot of suspense, and the shock value is pretty good. If you suspend belief to the “fiction” part, and let yourself get into the story, I think you’ll get into it and enjoy it as I did.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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