Toy Fight Productions, Brightlight Pictures, Sayaka Producciones Audiovisuales,

Anne Hathaway, Jason Sudeikis, Dan Stevens, Austin Stowell, Tim Blake Nelson

Gloria (Anne Hathaway) is a young woman with a serious drinking problem. She lives with her boyfriend Tim (Dan Stevens) who is fed up with her constant partying and drunkenness and finally kicks her out of the apartment. Gloria has nowhere to go except to her old home town where she settles in. She quickly runs into Oscar (Jason Sudekis) who is an old friend from elementary school who owns a bar and kind of takes Gloria under his wing, giving her a job. She’s trying hard to clean up her life, but still finds herself blacking out, and drinking after work until dawn. Meanwhile, a couple huge monsters are attacking Seoul Korea, a giant monster and a giant robot. But gradually as Gloria keeps reflecting on her past and the events in Seoul, she gradually comes to the understanding that someway she’s connected to the happenings across the world and is having trouble dealing with it, and the sinister secrets Oscar is hiding.

This is an ODD movie. There is very little here that makes sense, and it does require a complete suspension of belief as there is no logical connection to what is going on here. This is sort of like a cross between a fairy tale, and perhaps an allegory or message movie of some sort. Hathaway is very good in this most unusual performance I’ve seen her pull off, although you may recognize a couple of her past characters in the mix. Jason Sudekis is hard to rate, as he does fine in portraying his character, but his character is so very disturbing and unlikable so it’s hard to put your finger on his performance. This movie is advertised as a comedy, but I can’t see it. It’s dark, and disturbing, and certainly not a comedy at all in my opinion. But I found it a very entertaining movie with lots of good things to sink your teeth into. I found it very compelling, even though I still don’t understand it, that actually works for this movie. There is a wrap up in the end, but you’re still left with a “What the Heck” kind of feeling when it’s over. There’s certainly not a very happy ending for Gloria, but it’s certainly understandable. All in all, I found this a good movie and I really enjoyed watching it, although if you go into it looking for a light comedy like Ella Enchanted, you’re going to be seriously disappointed. Likewise, you could try to pin it as a horror or monster movie which it isn’t either. The creatures only take up a few percent of the screen time, and they are rather unimportant to the mood and message of the film. Don’t go in looking for either of these, but look for a very unusual independent film, not much like anything you’ve seen before, and if you can suspend belief and stop looking at the scientific truths of the movie, you’ll see an entertaining film.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Broadway Video, Michaels-Goldwyn, Relativity Media,

Zach Galifianakis, Owen Wilson, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, Jason Sudeikis

Steve (Owen Wilson) is a bad guy. But he’s tired of the little nickel and dime capers, and thinks it would be great to pull of an armored car heist, but needs someone on the inside. Kelly (Kristen Wiig) has the solution. Kelly work for the Loomis Fargo company for a short while and knows that innocent, but not too bright David Ghantt (Zach Galifinakis) has a crush on her, and has worked for the company for many years. So Kelly flirts with David to convince him that he could pull of the heist, disappear to Mexico where she will shortly join him in a happy and carefree life with tons of money. But they are just playing him for a sucker. David pulls off he heist, heads to Mexico with his share (all he can stuff into his underwear, to Mexico where he finds the Interpo, and a hired killer named Mike McKinney (Jason Sudakeis) is looking for him. Not to mention that stupidly all of these “masterminds” left behind a huge amount of evidence, and the law is closing the noose.

This is a funny film, that does have a good many laugh out loud moments. It’s not as funny as it thinks it is though. Based on the real life 1887 Loomis Fargo robbery, it misses on a lot of the jokes and ends up being more silly than funny. It’s not nearly as good as many of the other films featuring these same actors, and I blame the script and the director for letting it fall into silliness right away. This is produced by Lorne Michaels which explains all the SNL actors in this film, and that also explains a lot of it. SNL has gone a long way towards losing their sense of humor lately as well, and is getting really hard to watch anymore. As a rental flick, this isn’t that bad, and these guys are really good actors, with very thin material to work with, granted, but they do their best. Several of the moments were really good, and I think it’s worth it to give it a go when you don’t have to pay big money to see it in the theater, but all in all, it’s not near as good as it should have been.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Rovio Entertainment, Columbia Pictures, LStar Capital,

Jason Sudeikis, Josh Gad, Danny McBride, Maya Rudolph, Kate McKinnon, Sean Penn, Tony Hale, Keegan-Michael Key, Bill Hader, Peter Dinklage

The Green Pigs have found their way to Bird Island where Red (Jason Sudekis) is in Anger Management because the birds don’t believe in anger. But though the pigs promise to bring gifts to the birds, Red is concerned that they may have ulterior motives. When they steal all the eggs, Red is called upon to channel his anger to getting back the children, and in the process we learn the real reason why birds and pigs just don’t get along.

Based on the popular video game, this animated feature is really cute. With excellent voice characters, there is a lot of talent here, and it is very well done. There’s a lot of sort of off color jokes, which surprised me a bit, and is probably the reason behind the PG rating. The kids are probably going to miss it, and it may make it more enjoyable for grown ups, but I’m just not used to the naughty jokes in what looks like a kids film. However, lots and lots of big people (I hesitate to say grown-ups) loved the game however, and maybe the target audience isn’t the little ones. All in all though, it’s a humorous story and by showing us the back story of the war between the angry birds and the green pigs, it is enjoyable. Now we know why the birds are so angry. I really had a good time with this movie, and it’s not half bad if you have an interest in the war of the birds and pigs.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Open Road Films (II), Rice Films, Gulfstream Pictures,

Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudeikis, Julia Roberts, Jon Lovitz, Kate Hudson, Timothy Olyphant, Britt Robertson, Aasif Mandvi, Sarah Chalke, Grayson Russell, Shay Mitchell, Margo Martindale, Loni Love, Ella Anderson, Cameron Esposito, Jack Whitehall, Lucy Walsh

Mother’s Day is an ensemble film, telling four different stories that all tie together in the end. There are many different kinds of mothers, and many different situations, but we all stop on Mother’s Day to remember and honor those special women in our lives. As this story unfolds, we meet different families and different situations, but all are touched in the end in different ways.

Directed by Garry Marshall, this is the same team that brought us Valentine’s Day and New Years Eve. It is a great cast, and it’s a very touching story. Each situation is unique, yet they manage to tie it all together in the end. It’s got funny moments, and of course, the cheesy romantic ones. It’s a very clever put together tale and was fun to watch. If you have seen these hinds of stories, there have been dozens, where a number of different stories come together in the end. This is a very good one. Julia Roberts does a very great job as a childless, driven TV host, as does Jason Sudekis as a single widower dad trying to raise his two daughters. Jennifer Anderson is really good as a divorced mom of two boys who is trying to deal with her situation. It’s a very well developed story line that comes together beautifully. This is a touching movie, and one I can highly recommend for anyone who is a mother, who has had a mother, or knows a mother. If you don’t fit into any of those categories, you’re out of luck. This film is a tribute to mothers. This is a really good film, and I recommend this, especially now that it’s on DVD.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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BenderSpink, New Line Cinema, RatPac Entertainment,

Chris Pine, Jennifer Aniston, Christoph Waltz, Kevin Spacey, Jason Sudeikis, Jason Bateman, Charlie Day

Nick (Jason Bateman), Kurt (Jason Sudeikis) and Dale (Charlie Day) are back where they left off. They have a new invention and are looking for the funding to make it happen for them. But when they’re swindled by a rich tycoon (Christoph Waltz) and his son (Chris Pine), they are in deep trouble. They have already hired a bunch of folks and rented a location, and now have no money to pay for any of it. So they hatch a plan to kidnap the son and hold him for ransom to get the money to finance their business. Of course nothing turns out as they planned, and they are the most inept and dumb characters since Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels. Even with the help of the kidnapee, these guys don’t have a chance of getting away with all the schemes they can think of in this comedy sequel.

The original Horrible Bosses wasn’t that great of film, and this one really tanked, But I have to admit, I enjoyed it all the way through. It was kind of a guilty pleasure. I guess it was my growing up in Pittsburgh when Curly, Larry, and Moe made their huge comeback on Paul Shannon’s Adventure Time that made me a fan of silly slapstick comedy. But I’ve always had a thing for those kinds of movies. When you go to see Horrible Bosses 2 you know exactly what to expect, and that’s what you get. Not a spot of intelligence as these dummies do one stupid thing after another. Jennifer Aniston reprieves her sex addicted character Dr. Julia Harris, D.D.S. and she is getting pretty good at playing off Jason Sudeikis’ maniacal roles (such as the one in “We’re the Millers”) and though it’s a small role, she’s pretty funny too. I recently reviews “Dumb and Dumber To”, and I feel pretty much the same way about this one as I do about that one. You have to know what you’re in for when you choose to watch this, so why complain that it’s silly and low brow humor, as that’s what it is all about. I enjoyed seeing this one, and though it’s not superb cinema, it’s a laugh fest for you and your friend in low places, so stop with the snobbery and just forget all your troubles and laugh at these guys with me. I mean, really.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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