Polsky Films,

Emile Hirsch, Stephen Dorff, Dakota Fanning, Kris Kristofferson, Joshua Leonard, Noah Harpster, Garrett Backstrom, Andrew Lee, Nancy Youngblut, Jenica Bergere, Oren Skoog

Frank Lee (Emile Hirsch) and Jerry Lee (Stephen Dorff) are brothers. They swear an oath to their dying mother that they will stick together and take care of each other, so when one brother accidentally kills someone in a hit and run accident and completely freaks out, the brothers take to the road and hide out from the cops, try to score some cash, and basically waste their lives without a care or a clue.

Sometimes when you watch the new releases and find the obscure movies that no one has ever heard of, you find a hidden gem. This is not one of those. I guess it makes sense when you’re searching for gold occasionally you’re going to find a bad one. This film has it’s cult following. The actors are not all that bad, but the story is pointless and doesn’t go anywhere. These guys must be stupider than the Dumb and Dumber guys. Dakota Fanning is back in this proving that she can still get a movie, even if it’s an awful one. I don’t know what has happened to Kris Krisofferson. He just randomly appears every now in then in a small role in a forgotten picture, I guess to let us know he’s still alive. It’s like every now and then he wakes up on a random morning and thinks it’s time to make another movie, then drives over to the studio and asks, “What are you guys making today?”. I have no idea why he’s in this picture. Nothing to see here, folks. Just move along. What a waste of time. Don’t bother with this clunker.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Big Beach Films, Duplass Brothers Productions,

Aubrey Plaza, Mark Duplass, Jake M. Johnson, Karan Soni, Jenica Bergere, Kristen Bell, Jeff Garlin, Mary Lynn Rajskub

Darius (Aubrey Plaza) is an intern at a magazine. One of the writers gets the assignment of investigating a strange ad requesting someone as a partner to “travel back in time, safety not guaranteed, bring you own weapon.” He brings Darius who is very anxious to go, and another reluctant intern and sets off on the journey. When they get there, the writer is much more interested in reconnecting with an old flame, while Darius spends time getting to know Kenneth (Mark Duplass) the strange man who has a wish to travel back in time to save the life of an ex-girlfriend he feels he let die.

This is one of those rather strange independent films. But this is actually an interesting film. It’s slow and plodding, but it seems everything has a purpose, and each of the characters is developed before our eyes. We can see the ulterior motives of everyone, and as things things go by we get to know them little by little.

This is one of those films where you never know exactly what’s going on, and as soon as you’re sure you do, things go off in a different direction. It’s unnerving as you try to figure out what’s exactly going on. Is this guy Kenneth dangerous, or just extremely crazy. He’s one paranoid freak, that’s for sure, thinking everyone is after him. Aubrey takes on her first lead role in a motion picture (You might remember her from Parks and Recreation on TV) and she does a wonderful job.

Then there is the ending. Truly, you’re never going to know what’s actually happening, and that’s exactly the way it should be. Often this type of film ends up being so artsy that it’s unwatchable. This one doesn’t. This is actually a very interesting, though strange, kind of story, and one that I really enjoyed. For something totally out of the ordinary, check this one out!

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Reel FX Creative Studios, Smokewood Entertainment Group

Jordana Beatty, Heather Graham, Parris Mosteller, Preston Bailey, Kristoffer Ryan Winters, Garrett Ryan, Jaleel White, Ashley Boettcher, Taylar Hender, Cameron Boyce, Jenica Bergere, Janet Varney

Based on the Judy Moody books by Megan McDonald, Judy (Jordana Beatty) is making plans for an awesome summer. She’s setup a Summer Adventure chart that add points for awesome things like riding the awesome Scream Monster (bonus points for no hands) and such. But her friends have their own things to do, leaving Judy with her brother Stink who’s spending his summer searching for Bigfoot. So Judy does her best to have an awesome summer, but everything she tries turns out bad for her, and zero points. But when Aunt Opal (Heather Graham) comes to babysit them, she is a no holds bar, free spirit, and always up for fun! With Aunt Opal’s help, the summer may not turn out so awful after all.

This is definitely a kids film. Unlike some others, there’s not a lot for adults here. Generally though, the pre-teen crowd ought to just love this film. I found it mildly entertaining, but rate it highly because I think it is great fun for the intended audience. They really did a good job bringing these characters to life, and like Ramona and Beezus, this film will resonate with the younger kids. IT’s well done, and does have a sense of fun and adventure (and disappointment) that is fun to watch. I highly recommend this for your kids, especially girls, and I know they’ll love it if they haven’t already seen it.

If you don’t have kids to watch this with, then it might not be much fun to try to watch it as a grown up, as I doubt we’ll catch the humor that the kids do. But for the younger viewers, this is a must see.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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