Awesomeness TV, Jon Shestack Productions,

Zoey Deutch, Halston Sage, Logan Miller, Kian Lawley, Elena Kampouris, Diego Boneta, Jennifer Beals

Samantha Kingston (Zoey Deutch) is a High School senior living the perfect life. She’s very popular, a great scholar, and a bit of a bitch, although we know deep inside she’s actually a good girl who’s forgotten how to be nice. Instead she yells at her mother and little sister and is mean to everyone who doesn’t fit in her society. But Samantha is soon trapped in a time loop where she must live the same day over and over until she manages to figure out the meaning of her life and where she should be headed.

This film is based on the book written for young ladies, no doubt about it, by the mood of the story. That should mean that an a senior citizen of the male persuasion, I should have hated it, but I didn’t. Granted, I was blown away by Groundhog Day and have watched it many times, and all the Christmas movies that relive the same day till you get it right theme. This follows that same sort of theme, but is somehow a lot darker and more meaningful than some of the others, and darn it, I really enjoyed it. Zoey Deutch was really perfection in the role, and though I don’t recognize her, except as the girl in “Why Him?” that came out last Christmas, she really nailed this part. The girls who played her clique also did a really good job, as each of them has their own personality so that they’re all different, but yet somehow all the same, and wrapped into the plot very tightly. The usual characters are there, as they always are in this type of film, but somehow I was really moved by the story. Things may not turn out all rosy and pink for Sam, as she really brought on the problems she had to stare in the face herself, and as all us Once Upon a Time fans know from Mr. Gold, “All magic has a price.” All of our choices don’t just fade away, some of them just hang around. I think this was a touching story, from a book that must be well written, and made into a very nice little film. I understand the criticism of those who didn’t enjoy it, but all I can say is that I was entertained and really did like the film.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Alcon Entertainment

Denzel Washington, Mila Kunis, Gary Oldman, Jennifer Beals

The best way to describe this film is a “post-apolcalyptic western”.   I was a bit surprised by this film.  I had heard nothing but good things, but I didn’t expect anything too great.  Well, it was pretty good, considering.  It’s pretty much like Mad Max with religious overtones.  The bad guys ala WaterWorld’s “Smokers”.   Eli has a book.  The book is pretty important, and he’s been protecting it forever, since the big war tore a hole in the sky!

Well, it’s not what you’re expect, and there is a surprise or two.  Mostly the martial arts (Denzel studied martial arts with Dan Inosanto who was trained by Bruce Lee) is really good.  Denzel did his own stunts.  There is a lot of action, killing, betrayal, ambushes, etc., and it keeps the movie moving right along.  Then when you get to the end, you’ve got a few more surprises coming.

I enjoyed watching this.  It was much better than I expected it to be.  Most action, shoot ’em up, end of the world type movies leave me cold, but this movie had a lot of stuff to keep it interesting.  I enjoyed it a lot.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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