Entertainment Studios Motion Pictures, thefyzz,

Sophie NĂ©lisse, Corinne Foxx, Brianne Tju, Sistine Rose Stallone, Brec Bassinger, John Corbett, Nia Long, Axel Mansilla, Khylin Rhambo, Davi Santos

Two step-sisters are trying to get along together while Dad who is a deep sea diver, archeologist, tour guide is trying to pull the family together. But one sister has to put up with a lot of guff from the other girls in their island school. Dad sets them up on a “touristy” sightseeing tour to see the sharks from a glass bottomed boat, but the two sisters along with 2 other friends decide to head out to a remote site where an underwater Aztec cave city is located. Knowing they are not supposed to go in there, the girls decide to take a chance and explore just the opening, but an underwater disaster finds them trapped in the labyrinth of underwater caves with no way out and their supplies and air dwindling. It will take a lot of skill and a lot of luck for anyone of them to survive this disaster as it end up filled with man eating great white sharks as well.

This is not a sequel to the original 47 Meters Down from 2017. See Ed’s Review of 47 Meters Down here: The story is very different and unrelated, although similar in a few ways (i.e. Sharks and running out of air!). This film did go a little too far in the end, and could have had a better ending, (not unlike the killer who gets killed, but gets back up and disappears only to kill again), but it was a really suspenseful film, and the scenery was spectacular. The underwater city was breathtaking. The suspense was super, and the girls did a good job of being capable, yet a bit reckless, teen-age girls, which is what they were supposed to be after all. The photography was outstanding and it really kept us on the edge of our seats. I just did a review for the latest Stephen King film which is a major motion picture, and gave it a 3 rating, where I give this bit of fluff a 4 rating, so I had to stop and think of why I did that. I remember a saying from the Bible where (paraphrased) it says “where is much is given, much is expected” and I think that’s the reason. This is not setting out to be a Hollywood Blockbuster major motion picture, but a simple underwater thriller, and it totally nailed that and was highly enjoyable entertainment. On the other hand, I expected a lot from King’s movie and was disappointed. That is the reason why this film deserves a 4 star rating because it does exactly what it sets out to do and is well worth the time spent having your heart racing while we wonder if any of these poor girls are going to make it. Even with the silly ending where they went a bridge too far, it was a well done film and I do recommend it. Perhaps it was not as suspenseful as the first film, but it was a lot more spectacular to look at. Enjoy it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Smart Entertainment, Blumhouse Productions, Nuyorican Productions,

Jennifer Lopez, Ryan Guzman, John Corbett, Kristin Chenoweth, Bailey Chase

Claire Peterson (Jennifer Lopez) is a High School literature teacher with a teenaged son, Kevin (Ian Nelson). His father, Garrett (John Corbett) is not living with them as he’s been caught fooling around and they are trying out a trial separation and considering divorce. A young stud Noah Sanborn (Ryan Guzman) moves into the house next door to care for his aging uncle, but though he quickly makes friends with the Petersons, his history has been well covered up. It turns out that his secrets and Claire’s lonliness is a recipe for disaster, and it might take the entire family down with them.

This thriller is the female version of “Fatal Attraction”, boy. Talk about a psychopath. Jennifer does a really good job carrying this movie and naturally looks wonderful. Ryan is playing a 19 year old, but he must be a real hunk as well, so there’s plenty of eye candy for both the males and the females. The suspense is really good, and though the last five minutes might disappoint, the climax of the film is good. Movies today have strong leading ladies who can take care of themselves. I don’t think there’s any way Fatal Attraction or Play Misty for Me could be made in today’s world. We’re looking for a woman who’s kicking butt and taking names. Jenn is certainly fit enough to pull that off. Her son, played by Ian Nelson is a wimpy whiny kid who reminds me a lot of Norman Bates in the Bates Motel TV show, but that’s the role he’s given, I have to give him props for playing it well enough. Even Kristin Chenoweth somehow tuned down that voice that de-calcifies your spine to the point where she was not a distraction. This is about the best role I’ve seen her play, and I hope she gets lots more opportunities to play a normal person and not the annoying cartoon character that they typically stick her with. Good job! I have to admit that I enjoyed this film. I didn’t really know what to expect when I walked in as it was my wife’s choice, but I couldn’t picture JLo in a horror flick. Though it was quite horrifying much of the way, still it was not a horror film. This is straight mystery and suspense and very well done. I recommend this one.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Hallmark Hall of Fame Productions

Sam Elliott, John Corbett, Sarah Paulson, Karen Allen, Elizabeth McLaughlin, Tegan Moss, Emily Alyn Lind, Max Charles

Jess Sanford is a gruff farmer who’s lost his young son a while ago. A new resident, Tom Marks (John Corbett), shows up at the farm in August asking if Jess Has any pumpkins for sale, in August!! Jess thinks and thinks about the question, but when he returns asking if there are any Christmas Trees for sale, Jess puts two and two together and figures out what is going on. Tom is moving all the holidays up because his daughter Vanessa is very ill and may never make it until Halloween or Christmas. But the point of the story is about Jess, and his withdrawal from humanity until he learned to overcome his sorrow by helping other people.

November Christmas is a wonderful Hallmark “Christmas” story even though the holiday is celebrated in November. The characters are charming, and the story is very touching. It gets a bit weepy and overly sappy in the end, but most holiday stories do that. This one is a great touching story that will make you realize the blessings you have, and the importance of those you love in your life. This movie premiered on Hallmark last year, and though not available on DVD yet, probably will be in the near future. But if you get a chance to see it on TV this season, go out of your way to watch it. It’s a wonderful film.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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