Fox Searchlight Pictures, HBO Films, Home Box Office (HBO),

Larry David, Bill Hader, Jon Hamm, Kate Hudson, Michael Keaton, Danny McBride, Eva Mendes, Amy Ryan, J.B. Smoove, Philip Baker Hall

Nathan (Larry David) is a successful PR executive who steps quite a bit over the line with his boss, Will Haney (Jon Hamm) who in turn fires him. His life spirals out of control and he become a laughingstock, so he changes his name, and builds himself a new life in hiding. But when his old life slaps him in the face with his success, Rolly (His new name) decides it’s time for some revenge. When he partners up with a couple of clowns (Bill Hader, Danny McBride) who live on the street but know a little about explosives, the put together a plan to cause a loud BOOM, but as things go, it’s a terrible idea. This is an HBO original comedy film from 2013 but it is now available on DVD.

You either have a taste for Larry David, or you don’t. For me, he is not that funny, and terribly grating on my nerves. I respect that he has a lot of fans and a lot of people love his brand of humor. For me, it just seems to get annoying. I really tried to enjoy this film, and I did get through the whole thing, and I never really hated it, and the story is rather clever, but it’s just the voice and mannerisms of David that ruins it for me. He reminds me a lot of Woody Allen, for some reason, and I guess the sarcastic wit is similar, but I guess this just didn’t work for me. This is Larry David’s movie 100%, so if you’re a fan, you’ll probably enjoy it, but I could have done very well without it, myself.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Summit Entertainment, Participant Media, Di Bonaventura Pictures,

Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell, John Malkovich, Gina Rodriguez, Dylan O’Brien, Kate Hudson

Deepwater Horizon is a fact based docudrama covering the 2010 explosion and oil spill on the floating rig Deepwater Horizon leased by BP. The crew from Transocean dug the initial well, and stabilize it with cement then cap it off and leave before the drilling crew from BP come aboard and finish the well. As they were over a month late, and over budget, BP was pressuring them to finish up and get on with it. Due to some likely shortcuts and unwise savings, the well suddenly erupted starting a huge fire which killed 11 men, and caused the rig to sink to the bottom of the ocean starting the largest oil spill in US history. This film is the story of the events leading up to and to the evacuation and rescue of the survivors after the fire. Led by Jimmy Harrell (Kurt Russell) and his technical right hand man Mike Williams (Mark Walberg), and their interactions with BP executive Vidrine (John Malkovich) this exciting tale feels like a simple action movie but is based on the real events of 2010.

Produced by Wahlberg and Directed by Peter Berg, this is an excellent film. The excitement and action is first rate, special effects are mind boggling, and the movie still develops the characters and their motivations, and the human interest side of the story is developed very well too. Kurt Russell is amazing, as always, and Mark Wahlberg did a fantastic job as well. It is nice to Kurt and his daughter Kate Hudson who played Mark Wahlberg’s wife together as well. The beginning of the story was a bit slow, as it takes a great deal of time to give us all the background information of who the characters are, and why they are doing what they are doing. If this were fiction, that could have been shortened a little bit, but because to the need to be truthful to the facts, it is important to give us all this information about how it could happen. As soon as I got out of the theater, I looked it up in Wikipedia to see how accurate it was, and after having seen the film, I was surprised to learn how much I knew about the facts of what happened just based on those first 40 minutes or so while the story was introduced. But one trouble starts, thing get really moving real fast. It was an awful disaster, and I feel like I was there. One point though, although 11 men died in the explosion and fire, a great deal of damage happened long after the event (and is still happening). Though the film gives us the welcome pictures of the real people portrayed, and the words on screen telling us who quit the oil business after, and what essentially happened to the people, it does not spend any time talking about the consequences of the aftermath. For that reason, I would highly recommend that after you see this exciting film, that you do a tiny bit of research on your own to try to get the full picture of the whole story. This is a very good movie, and I highly recommend it for you.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Open Road Films (II), Rice Films, Gulfstream Pictures,

Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudeikis, Julia Roberts, Jon Lovitz, Kate Hudson, Timothy Olyphant, Britt Robertson, Aasif Mandvi, Sarah Chalke, Grayson Russell, Shay Mitchell, Margo Martindale, Loni Love, Ella Anderson, Cameron Esposito, Jack Whitehall, Lucy Walsh

Mother’s Day is an ensemble film, telling four different stories that all tie together in the end. There are many different kinds of mothers, and many different situations, but we all stop on Mother’s Day to remember and honor those special women in our lives. As this story unfolds, we meet different families and different situations, but all are touched in the end in different ways.

Directed by Garry Marshall, this is the same team that brought us Valentine’s Day and New Years Eve. It is a great cast, and it’s a very touching story. Each situation is unique, yet they manage to tie it all together in the end. It’s got funny moments, and of course, the cheesy romantic ones. It’s a very clever put together tale and was fun to watch. If you have seen these hinds of stories, there have been dozens, where a number of different stories come together in the end. This is a very good one. Julia Roberts does a very great job as a childless, driven TV host, as does Jason Sudekis as a single widower dad trying to raise his two daughters. Jennifer Anderson is really good as a divorced mom of two boys who is trying to deal with her situation. It’s a very well developed story line that comes together beautifully. This is a touching movie, and one I can highly recommend for anyone who is a mother, who has had a mother, or knows a mother. If you don’t fit into any of those categories, you’re out of luck. This film is a tribute to mothers. This is a really good film, and I recommend this, especially now that it’s on DVD.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Eyeworks Fine & Mellow, Film i Väst, Filmgate Films,

James Franco, Kate Hudson, Omar Sy, Tom Wilkinson

Tom (James Franco) and Ann Wright (Kate Hudson) are young married couple that are struggling financially. They want desperately to have a child, but can’t afford the treatments to make it happen. They rent their basement apartment to a guy who turns up dead, and who seems to be involved with some nasty characters. Tom and Ann find a bag full of money hidden in their basement and they are good people who just need a little help to get through a rough financial patch, so they decide to only use a little bit of it. But when the hoods show up looking for the cash, they are in big, big trouble.

This crime drama feels familiar. We’ve certainly been through this scenario before. But this movie is really well done. With James Franco, Kate Hudson, and Tom Wilkinson performing here, we know we’re going to get a first class performance from all of them. The don’t disappoint. They are really good. The back story on Tom Wilkinson’s character is so tragic and touching that we really feel for him, and his presence adds a lot to the film. The bad guys are bad, and the action and suspense are both extremely well done. If it were not for the familiarity of the story, this would have been a really top notch thriller. So we pretty much know where it’s going to go and how it’s going to end up, but for this film, it’s not the destination, but the journey that makes it worthwhile. I would call this a great film, but it’s certainly worthy of watching, and is very well done.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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2S Films, Alcon Entertainment, Wild Ocean Films

Ginnifer Goodwin, Kate Hudson, Colin Egglesfield, John Krasinski, Steve Howey, Ashley Williams, Geoff Pierson, Jill Eikenberry, Jonathan Epstein

Rachel (Ginnifer Goodwin) is a successful lawyer. For years she’s been best friends with Darcy (Kate Hudson) Way back in Law school she was study mates with Dex (Colin Egglesfield), whom she had a crush on and never got over, but Darcy moved in and they started dating. Now Darcy is engaged to Dex, and while at an engagement party, Rachel mentions that she always had a crush on Dex which surprised him. They ended up involved and both feel terrible about it. So Rachel is planning to be the maid of honor for the wedding of her best friend to a guy she just spent the night with. Talk about complications. This is a complicated story that needs to unravel piece by piece.

This is a fine romantic comedy. Kate Hudson is not very likable here, and she’s a bit of a flake. She uses Rachel and has always topped her in everything. Dex is also a rich kid but a bit of wimp, following orders and doing what he’s told to do. Rachel is the sweet one here, but she has not been able to develop her own identity and is always doing what she’s told to do as well. John Krasinski is also in this film (Jim from The Office) as Ethan who has always carried a torch for Rachel, but knows she fell in love with someone else. It all works out in a way, but not in the way I expected. It’s a good story, and Ginnifer is getting to be a really good actress. She carries this film very well, and we get to know her character really well. The jokes are funny, and the situations are funnier. When you start out telling lies, you certainly do weave a tangled web! There is a short scene at the ends during the credits that is a bit of a surprise and is well worth waiting for.

All in all, I enjoyed this “chick flick” for the strong story and the deep character depth each one shows. It was a good film, and one I liked very much.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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