Air Loom Enterprises, Moxie Pictures
Joyce McKinney, Dr. Hong, Kent Gavin, Jackson Shaw, Peter Tory, Troy Williams
Tabloid is a documentary about former Miss Wyoming World, Joyce McKinney who made headlines in England in 1977. Ms. McKinney and a couple hired “bodyguards” abducted a Mormon Missionary with a gun, took him to a cottage and kept him handcuffed for days. When he finally got a chance to make a phone call, he called the police and reported that he had been abducted. This set off a flurry of tabloid reports between competing newspapers in England about the “Manacled Mormon” or The Mormon sex in chains” case. She was allowed out on bail after being captured, and in disguises and with fake passports, fled the country. For decades she obsessed over this guy, and was caught in 1984 stalking his wife and kids again, and rose to prominence once again in 2008 when she had her pet dog cloned in Korea. In this documentary, Joyce gets to tell her side of the story.
This is a bizarre story, for sure. Joyce is definitely a bit demented, and is a colorful character. She reportedly was very upset with the documentary as she felt it did not say what she expected it to, but that in itself is a bit bizarre as she does 90% of the talking. But I suppose in the way it is edited, she could feel that it put her in a bad light. But since she is barking mad, I guess that’s fair. I was interested in this film in a “Jerry Springer Show” kind of way, like we can’t turn the stupid TV off until Maury tells us if the baby is actually that guy’s or not. But there isn’t much here. It’s a weird story to begin with, and there’s really nothing to watch. I feel like after 90 minutes of this, I didn’t learn anything, and I’m no better off than when it started. So in a staring at a car crash kind of way, it’s ok to watch this, but I certainly wouldn’t go out of my way to track it down. It’s just fluff. Nothing to see here, move along.
EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog
Author: EdG
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