Illumination Entertainment, Universal Studios
Steve Carell, Jason segal, Russel Brand, Julie Andrews, Wil Arnett, Kristin Wiig
Ok, so sue me. I’m a sucker for cartoons, and this one hit on all cylinders. It’s funny, sad, heartwarming, and did I say funny?  All the misadventures of a Spy vs. Spy episode, some great laughs for the adults in the audience, but plenty for the kids.
I saw this in 3D and it really worked for this movie (especially the fun in the closing credits). I saw it in a full theater with a mix of little kids and their parents. It’s funny to hear the adults laugh by themselves and then to hear the kids laugh all by themselved, but the best is when everybody laughs at the same time.
The voice actors were pretty good, although the weakest thing is the fake accent Steve Carell tries to pull off which doesn’t quite cut it. I couldn’t help thinking of Michael Scott of the Dunder-Mifflin Paper Company trying to act a fool, instead of believing it was Gru, but if you can get over this. But you are definitely going to enjoy yourself. I was glad I paid the extra for the 3D glasses. It was well worth it.
The movie reminds me a lot of Up! but of course it’s not quite in that league, but it has similarities.  (sweet kids, crotchety old man) .  All in all Depicable Me made for a fine HOT Saturday Afternoon in the air conditioning of the theater. Great movie!
Author: EdG
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