Larkin-Goldstein Productions, Pflu Pflug Films, Thankful Films

Daphne Zuniga, Kennedi Clements, Lauren Cochrane, Jakob Davies, Faye Dunaway, Gina Holden

This Thanksgiving themed story is about a highly motivated lawyer, Claudia (Daphne Zuniga), who is devoted to her job and was tops in her class at Harvard Law School. She abuses her staff and is willing to sacrifice everything for her career, even dumping plans to spend the holiday with her sister’s family to prepare for a huge case that may make her a junior partner in the firm. Suddenly she meets a strange lady named Gina from HR (Faye Dunaway) who insists she meet with her about an opportunity. The opportunity is to spend the holiday as a wife and mother until she comes to learn balance. Off she goes, trying to run her family the way she runs her staff. She has one day to learn the consequences of her life’s work.

This is an interesting Thanksgiving story. The fact that it’s moved from the typical Christmas story to Thanksgiving gives it some punch and not so worn out concept is relatively new again. Yes, this switch places with what could have been has been done over and over, but there truly are only 3 or 4 holiday story plots in the first place, with all great holiday movies being a derivative of the rest. This one is not half bad. Daphne Zuniga is a great actress and Faye Dunaway pulls off a decent angel/spirit/mysterious creature who comes to teach her a lesson. It’s predictable, but a really fair job of telling the story in a nice new way. The kids are pretty cool, and the rest of the cast is quite good in pulling it all together. This is a nice Hallmark TV movie to fill a dark cold evening waiting for Thanksgiving to arrive.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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