ClubNano Films, Ur-Mee, Imaginating Pictures,

Marla Gibbs, Ryan Spahn, Jake T. Austin, Tessa Thompson

Grantham (Jake T Austin) is a 17 year old boy in trouble. His father is dead, and his mom is a wreck, and he can’t stop getting in trouble. He’s been put into a reformatory where he immediately gets into a fight. He won’t listen to his parole officer and respects no one, but an elderly African American woman, Rose (Marla Gibbs) who volunteers at the facility makes friends, and offers him the chance of a lifetime. She takes him out on a road trip that turns into a drive to Atlanta. Along the way, they pick up a wandering stranger, Wallis (Tessa Thompson) who is very pretty, but just as lost. Once they arrive in Atlanta, all the secrets are revealed and the strange things really start to happen to everyone.

This is a road trip film that is much, much more. This is one of those hidden gems that come along by surprise. This has not yet been released on DVD but is available for sreaming on Netflix, and keep an eye out as it may be making an appearance all over the place as people start to find out who good this story really is. It’s not a slow movie. It moves right along. But the skill of the writers have given us really fantastic character development. All the major characters are very complex and have a lot of back stories which we learn along with the main storyline. Of course there is much more to Rose than this somewhat unstable nice old lady, and she has her own demons to deal with. And deal with them she does. She doesn’t preach, but instead she tells the truth. Without judging much, she states the facts in a way that you just have to follow. I have known folks who are small in stature, but who can command like a drill sergeant. I have had a few of them in school! The story is very well developed, and surprising up to the very end. I was really not expecting much from this movie, and was very pleasantly surprised. I have always been a fan of Marla Gibbs, but this was such a pleasure to see her again in such a deep and meaningful role. This is one movie I can recommend for young and old alike, and it’s a real gem of a nearly unknown film. If you can get a chance to catch this move, don’t miss it. It’s very good.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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One-Twenty Inc.

Wood Harris, Zoe Saldana, Brian J. White, Marla Gibbs, Jasmine Guy, Method Man, Edward Asner

Harvard Medical School grad Ray Howard (Brian White) is in Florida completing his internship when he meets Dr. Sidney Zachary (Wood Harris) a serious physician who is a part time stand up comedian. Ray is a bit of a proud fellow, quite a womanizer, and one of those guys who think they are very special. Dr. Z makes an attempt to teach Ray how to be a decent doctor while hiding a terrible secret.

This film is billed as a romantic comedy, which I guess is somewhat fair, but it really is a story about the trials and tribulations, or torture of the interns in a hospital. Some of the funniest bits are between the mean head doctor and his henchman, and the young interns that are terrified of him. I felt like I was peering into the medical profession and sharing an inside joke that all doctors know about the pranks and embarrassments that all new doctors have to go through to become accepted. It’s really a doctor story.

There are many clever moments in the story, and it is touching. But it’s not extremely outstanding in my opinion. If you’re interested in the medical field, then there is a lot of info packed in with the hospital humor, but as a romantic comedy, there’s not much to sink your teeth into here. Some of the stand-up routines that Dr. Z gives at the comedy club are very good, and will make you laugh, but don’t expect a classic “Sleepless in Seattle” type movie. This is not it. It’s more like an episode of Scrubs.

I rate this in the middle, not great, and not awful, but just mediocre. As I said, if you’re inside the medical field, this will be a hoot, otherwise, I’m sure you can do better.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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