North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists
Joseph Campanella, Ruta Lee, Talia Shire, Patty Cabrera, Courtney Crook, Kevin Dobson, Baby Evan LaSala, Mary Beth McDonough, Joey McIntyre, Samantha Shelton, Larry Vanderveen

Christmas at Cadillac Jack’s is the story of a road trip. Joe Jenkins is a grandfather mourning the loss of his wife, but now attached to a new girlfriend, Rose (Ruta Lee). They are on the way to meet Rose’s daughter who she gave up 40 years before, but car trouble causes them to stop at a roadside diner “Cadillac Jack’s” while their car is repaired. But trouble follows as things go wrong. There are a number of mix-ups that cause some big misunderstandings. Will Rose make it to Omaha in time to find her daughter before it’s too late?
This is a touching little Christian movie. It is a simple story (and very short, about an hour) that is a lot like a touching Christmas Twilight Zone episode, but that’s not really what they’re after. It’s a mystery story, but in the end we have learned a lot about the cost of mistakes we have made in our lives, and how things can be forever changed by decisions we make. We also learn that it’s never too late to make amends.
This is a very heartwarming tale and is a good story that appears from time to time on the Christian networks. It’s good if you can find it.
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Posted on Nov 14, 2011 under Drama |
Amanda Productions, Lorimar Productions
Ralph Waite, Jon Walmsley, Judy Norton, Mary Beth McDonough, Eric Scott, David W. Harper, Kami Cotler, Ellen Corby, Robert Wightman

This is the third Walton’s Reunion movie. In this one, most of the family has split up and hardly anyone is planning on coming home for Thanksgiving. Elizabeth is dead set on bringing people together so the family tries to bring it together as a gift for Elizabeth. John tries to get everyone rounded up, and one by one they begin to arrive. John-Boy (Played in this movie by Robert Wightman) is suffering from writer’s block in New York, and looking for inspiration. Erin and Paul are newlyweds and anxious to move out of the Walton Homestead for good. Jason is a struggling musician looking for a break.
This is a typical Walton’s story and nothing much more. That’s enough, if you’re a fan of the clan. It’s good to see them growing up and moving on with their lives. It’s a good family values story (as all Walton’s stories are), and a nice Thanksgiving special. You’ll find it on TV around Thanksgiving, and if you’re a Walton’s fan and want some nostalgia for an hour and a half, check this one out. It’s a delightful trip down memory lane with the Walton clan.
EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog
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