** Northpole

Muse Entertainment Enterprises,

Trevor Botkin, Max Charles, Tiffani Thiessen, Dawn Ford, Ziad Ghanem, Candice Glover, Josh Hopkins, Christina Kelly, Bailee Madison, Ambrose McLaughlin, Kyle Meagher, Chloe O’Malley, Jonathan Potts, Marc Primeau, Jill St. John, Nathaly Thibault

The North Pole has grown into a pretty large city that runs on the power of Christmas. But Christmas spirit is at an all time low, especially since the Mayor has cancelled the tree lighting program at the town park. A young man, Kevin (Max Charles) has the desire to make a difference and to save the tree lighting, and a young elf from the north pole, Clementine (Bailee Madison) is willing to help. But her single mom, reporter Chelsea (Tiffani Thiessen) doesn’t believe him and is looking for a scoop, and his teacher Ryan (Josh Hopkins) is looking after Ryan and allows him to choose saving the North Pole as his school project.

This is a new 2014 Christmas film from Hallmark. It’s a very similar story to all the other “The world is losing their Christmas spirit” films. But this one is very well done. The casting is really good, and we have some great performers here. Furthermore the sets and scenery are spectacular. Especially the North Pole scenes. This is not a particularly new concept, there aren’t many of those left, but it’s certainly one of the nicest Christmas premiers I have seen. I really enjoyed the movie very much, and I think Bailee Madison did a super job playing the young elf. She’s been in several Christmas movies from the last few years, and many other blockbuster films, but I enjoyed her the most as Young Snow White in the
“Once Upon a Time” shows. She has a lot happening and is an excellent actress who can really act. Since this is new this year, you haven’t seen this one yet, but it’s also already available on DVD, so this is one you ought not to miss!

[Here is the home page for the film.]

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Columbia Pictures, Laura Ziskin Productions, Marvel Enterprises,

Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary, Irfan Khan, Campbell Scott, Martin Sheen, Sally Field, Embeth Davidtz, Chris Zylka, Max Charles

This reboot of the Spider-Man legend takes us to a much darker place, but gives a lot more sensible explanation of what is going on. Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)’s mother and father bring him to his Aunt May and Uncle Ben (Sally Fields and Martin Sheen) to live for a while when they have to deal with a serious problem. Their house has been broken into by someone trying to find the key to his work and the answer to a puzzle that could not only be worth billions, but could save the lives of thousands and tens of thousands of people. They never return. Peter grows up and faces his own issues, but accidentally finds an old briefcase that was left with the answers in a secret compartment. Peter sets of to discover what it all means, and what happens to him is no fluke, but has been planned. Peter meets Gwen Stacy at school where he’s admired her for a long time and they find themselves attracted, but when Peter is turned to Spider-man, and Gwen’s father Captain Stacey of the NYPD has an intense hatred of this Spider-Man character, things heat up in a hurry. Not to mention that Gwen works for Peter’s Dad’s old partner, Dr. Curt Conners (Rhys Ifans) who is playing with fire trying to splice animal and human genes together, he sets off a horrible monster on New York and it’s up to Spidey to save the city.

This is definitely a 5 star film! In my opinion it’s much better than the other Spider-Man films combined. This is for many obvious reason. First, with the work of actors like Sally Field and Martin Sheen, their characters add levels of depth to the roles and make these minor characters a big part of the story. Furthermore Emma Stone is perfect for GWEN and she actually runs circles around the part played by Kirsten Dunst. This is hard for me to say because I am a big Kirsten Dunst fan, and typically like her very much, but Emma is such a perfect choice for this and she adds a ton to the role. Not to mention that there is much deeper and heartfelt romance in this story compared to the first ones.

But I am not saying this is a romance either, as the action and graphics are eye popping, and the mix of live action and CGI is so seamless that you can’t tell in anyway when it switches. It’s fantastic. You so believe it until suddenly you realize that what is happening cannot possibly be happening and it has to be CGI, but it’s so smooth a transition that it’s not noticeable. Then of course, the drama element, danger, and suspense is off the charts as well. This is such an awesome script. And then Andrew Garfield who we may possibly remember from The Social Network and some other smaller film and tv roles is a virtual newcomer to be playing this role and he, too, is perfect for the most part. Some of the time, as Spider-man he gets a little whiny and annoying….(spider-man should keep quiet when he’s in costume for the most part) he’s perfect when he’s Peter Parker. He plays the innocence of Harry Potter, the brains of a scientist, and the confusion of a young man trying to find his way, yet is able to get so angry that he’s completely believable. Andrew was a great choice.

I saw this in IMAX 3D, and it was really well worth it. IMAX 3D glasses have gotten so comfortable that within a few minutes I completely forgot I was wearing them. And the 3D is eye-popping in this film, and the sound literally shook the seats. Romance, dark evil, a boy who is learning what it means to be responsible, great action and adventure, stunning CGI and photography, giant screen, perfect sound system and a suspense that keeps you on the edge of your seat for nearly 2 1/2 hours. Comedy? At least a dozen times the audience laughed out loud. There is a lot of good comedy in this film Mix in some horror, science fiction, and supernatural and you have a great film. WOW, there is no reason not to go out and see this one right away!!! And this is from a guy who doesn’t normally get excited over superhero films!

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Hallmark Hall of Fame Productions

Sam Elliott, John Corbett, Sarah Paulson, Karen Allen, Elizabeth McLaughlin, Tegan Moss, Emily Alyn Lind, Max Charles

Jess Sanford is a gruff farmer who’s lost his young son a while ago. A new resident, Tom Marks (John Corbett), shows up at the farm in August asking if Jess Has any pumpkins for sale, in August!! Jess thinks and thinks about the question, but when he returns asking if there are any Christmas Trees for sale, Jess puts two and two together and figures out what is going on. Tom is moving all the holidays up because his daughter Vanessa is very ill and may never make it until Halloween or Christmas. But the point of the story is about Jess, and his withdrawal from humanity until he learned to overcome his sorrow by helping other people.

November Christmas is a wonderful Hallmark “Christmas” story even though the holiday is celebrated in November. The characters are charming, and the story is very touching. It gets a bit weepy and overly sappy in the end, but most holiday stories do that. This one is a great touching story that will make you realize the blessings you have, and the importance of those you love in your life. This movie premiered on Hallmark last year, and though not available on DVD yet, probably will be in the near future. But if you get a chance to see it on TV this season, go out of your way to watch it. It’s a wonderful film.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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