Blitz Films, Lionsgate

Jason Statham, Paddy Considine, David Morrissey, Aidan Gillen, Richard Riddell, Zawe Ashton, Ian Hughes, Nicky Henson, Luke Evans

The Blitz (Aidan Gillen) is a special kind of serial killer. He is hell bent on killing the entire police force one by one. Detective Sergeant Tom Brant (Jason Statham) is assigned to track down the killer while dealing with his own aggression issues with a police psychiatrist. As the self proclaimed “Blitz” gets more and more brazen, he keeps slipping through their fingers time and time again. When they finally pin him down, there just isn’t enough evidence to convict. So what can they do?

Filmed in London, this is a British film. It’s not the typical action film that Jason Stathem is known for. Also the story is very predictable and quite common. This is a cop gone rogue film, hell bent on revenge and willing to break all the rules to get what he wants. Unfortunately it doesn’t really work all that well. It’s not a bad cops and robbers flick, but there’s no new ground here either. It’s a middle of the road cop action flick that is just what it tries to be, so if it’s a genre you’re fond of, you probably will enjoy it, but it’s probably not worth the effort if you’re not as you’re not going to see anything new here.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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