** A Gift to Remember

Darcy’s Gift Productions,

Ali Liebert, Peter Porte, Tina Lifford, Nicole Oliver, Juliana Wimbles, Brandi Alexander, Jennifer Koenig, Mark Milburn, Ricky He

Darcy (Ali Liebert) loves to read. She has the perfect job working in a little bookstore in Manhattan. One day on the way to work on her bicycle, she crashes into a man and a dog, knocking the man, Aiden (Peter Porte) unconscious. She has to take the dog, since there is no one to take care of him, but when she finally visits the man in the hospital she is disturbed to find out that he has amnesia and is not able to remember who he is or where he lives. So Darcy jumps into “mystery” mode and does some detective work to figure out who he is. Meanwhile, the owner of the bookstore is ready to retire after the holiday and will close down or sell the store unless he can find someone to run it for him.

This is a touching story. It reminded me a bit of Sandra Bullock’s film “While You Were Sleeping”. There are so many delightful surprises along the way of finding out what the truth really is. The performances were really good, and I found myself really invested in the characters. There is plenty of story to go around, and it was really enjoyable. The chemistry is strong between the leads and the movie strikes all the notes. This new 2017 Hallmark Christmas film is a winner. Be sure to catch it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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** A Gift Wrapped Christmas


Meredith Hagner, Travis Milne, Dylan Archambault, Catherine Barroll, Anthony Bolognese, Dave Collette, Bernard Cuffling, Dolores Drake, Cherilynn Fulbright, Dee Jay Jackson, Kathryn Kirkpatrick, Elfina Luk, Mark McConchie, Nicole Oliver, Sheri Rabold, Michael Teigen

Gwen (Meredith Hagner) is a personal shopper. Her latest client is Charlie (Travis Milne) a high strung work-a-holic who threw himself into his work when his wife died. He’s raising a young son who is missing his father. Gwen is a energetic spirit and full of Christmas cheer. But when she meets Charlie’s son, she realizes how little time he spends with his son, and she steps in to try to reconnect the two. She sees Charlie as the man he used to be before the terrible tragedy that he has never been able to shake.

This Lifetime presentation for 2015. It’s a charmingly sweet story. Gwen and her sister are really good together. Anthony Bolognese as Charlie’s son Owen is really good for such a little guy. He does a really good job. All in all this is an enjoyable little Christmas tale.

Here is the home page for this Lifetime film.

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Author: EdG

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