
Adam Leadbeater, Lorena King, Cecilia Huete, Vivi Pineda, Eddy Acosta

Four teenagers have the bad luck of running out of gas in the middle of nowhere and take a ride from a local resident of Shady Grove, a little town with a lot of urban legends. One is the story of Shane a boy who was chained to a tree and tortured as a young child, but who eventually escaped and survived in the woods. Nobody seen him, until he shows up to hunt down this little group one by one.

This is a little horror film about a crazy serial killer hiding out in the woods and picking off the stranded children. So give it a zero for originality. But let’s not dismiss this film quite that easily. Granted it’s really hard to come up with a new slasher film that isn’t like something else. But for a low budget serial killer B movie, this one is way better than most. The acting is halfway decent here, and the thrills and suspense are really well done. The cinematography is really well done, and the scenery and the creepiness of the surroundings makes this better than a lot of others. The cast is interesting, with a strong presence of Latino actors who bring a fresh approach to the suspense. Nothing really new here, so unless you’re a fan of slasher style horror films, you’ll probably want to skip this, but for those of us who dig horror movies, this is a really decent approach to the genre. This is a decent horror film.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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