Imagenation Abu Dhabi FZ, Likely Story, Parkes+MacDonald Image Nation,

Emma Watson, Tom Hanks, John Boyega, Karen Gillan, Ellar Coltrane, Patton Oswalt, Glenne Headly, Bill Paxton

Mae (Emma Watson) lands her dream job with the largest high tech company on the Planet, The Circle, led by Bailey (Tom Hanks). She’s really into the company and is very excited to buy into all the wonderful things The Circle can do. They have a miniature camera that can send live pictures with sound to anyone on the channel any time you wish. Like a giant social network, But management wants her to step it up a bit further and become the worlds first transparent user, one who will be always online for people to view. The owner’s theory is that secrets are lies, and that people will act better if they have no secrets and everything is in the open. But though Mae does her best, things naturally start spinning out of control and it begins hurting those most important to her.

I have been anxious to see this film since I first saw the previews, which was much better, I think, than the actual movie. I love science fiction, I and I was really anxious to see how Emma Watson could pull off a dramatic and futuristic role like this. Besides, there are great performers in this film like Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, and many others that bring a lot of acting talent to this adventure. The problem is that the director too a really good story idea, and twisted it into a morality tale, much like 1984, only tried to jazz it up for Facebook and Instragram. What resulted is a mediocre morality play about Big Brother watching, and trashing the films with the morality of the director. It was an excellent idea, but it was really poorly executed. The big surprise ending is not a surprise, not is it very big, and it just sort of sat there. Basically it was a missed opportunity. I was really disappointed.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Fusion Films (II), Future Films, The Sommers Company,

Anton Yelchin, Addison Timlin, Willem Dafoe, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Shuler Hensley, Leonor Varela, Nico Tortorella, Patton Oswalt, Melissa Ordway, Kyle McKeever

Odd Thomas(Anton Yelchin) is a strange fellow who has paranormal powers, specifically, the ability to see dead people. He lives in a very small town in the California desert, and the folks in town understand his special powers and depend on him to let them know when something awful is about to happen. But this time he sees something big coming, and with the assistance of his girlfriend Stormy (Addison Timlin) and the town Sheriff Wyatt Porter (Willem Dafoe) he sets off on a mission to stop the evil from coming. Based on the Dean Koonz best seller.

Dean Koonz is a excellent writer. I have been given chills by a good many of his books. Somehow I have missed the Odd Thomas books. I have heard many of the fans of his book have been deeply disappointed in this movie because it is nowhere near as rich as the stories it’s based upon. That is probably true as it is with most movies based on a popular novel. It’s hard to complete in a 90 minute movie with a whole book. But Koonz is an interesting writer, and he does know how to write a creepy story. This is one of those. I think what I liked most about it was how bizarre and off the wall it was. There was nothing normal about this story. I also had the weird feeling that I was watching “whatever happened to that kid from Sixth Sense?” It was an unusual tale and that’s what I found interesting about it. It could have been an Outer Limits episode, with all the twists and unexpected turns that it took, and I found myself sucked into the story and enjoying it all the way. Parts are a little silly, as are the shadow creatures that show up when something really bad is about to happen, and perhaps it was a little on the shallow side. There’s really no life altering changes taking place here. But it was a lot of fun, and very interesting and just an enjoyable experience to watch. Now I’m debating on looking up the book as it would probably add a lot of back story to the tale.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Paramount Pictures, Denver and Delilah Productions, Indian Paintbrush

Charlize Theron, Patrick Wilson, Patton Oswalt, Elizabeth Reaser, J.K. Simmons, Emily Meade, Collette Wolfe, Brady Smith, Louisa Krause, Jenny Dare Paulin

Mavis Gary (Charlize Theron) is a girl who left the small town where she was raised to become a writer of fiction. She is under pressure for the next book when she receives a baby notification from her old boyfriend and it really makes her MAD. It really bugs here that her ex, Buddy Slade (Patrick Wilson) and his wife Beth (Elizabeth Reaser) would have the gall to send a new baby notice to an ex sweetheart, so she becomes obsessed with him and heads off back home Buddy has no idea why she’s back and he doesn’t see what coming on the horizon. Happily married, he is not interested, but Mavis is so persistent that she is not going to let him escape. Patton Oswalt plays a fried to both of them who is caught in the middle.

To call a movie quirky is easy, but this one fits that description better than most! It is not really a outstanding movie, but it’s definitely not bad. It was well worth watching. To be honest, Patrick Wilson was kind of wooden, and I am not sure why she wants him back so bad. But her life is a mess, and I guess she’s trying to go back to a happier place. Patton Oswalt plays his character very well. He has a back story that is as funny as it is tragic, and he plays this guy very well and brings a lot to the film. The character he plays reminds me of the guy he played in Showtime’s US of Tara series. He’s the same kind of lovable looser that he plays so well.

All in all, Young Adult is really about a girl who never grew up who has a lot to learn about herself, and it’s fun watching all the destruction and devastation along the way. I enjoyed it, and if you you’re up for a romantic comedy with more comedy than romance, but not fall off the couch, roll on the floor laughs, but a more grown up look at a girl who is coming to know herself, then this is the one. I enjoyed this.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Kingsgate Films, Mandate Pictures, New Line Cinema

John Cho, Kal Penn, Neil Patrick Harris, Amir Blumenfeld, Paula Garcés, Danneel Ackles, Thomas Lennon, Danny Trejo, David Krumholtz, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Patton Oswalt, Elias Koteas

Six Years have passed, and Harold and Kumar are now living very different lives. Kumar is still a pot head, and his apartment and his life are a total mess. But Harold is married and living in a great home and working in an office. His wife’s family, especially the father-in-law who doesn’t like him very much is coming to visit and brought the perfect Christmas tree. Harold and Kumar don’t see each other anymore. But on Christmas Eve when a strange package addressed to Harold arrives at the door of Kumar’s apartment, he decides to bring it over in person. While there, he burns down the perfect tree, and the two of them set off on a quest to find a replacement tree, all over Manhattan half the night. The movie is their travels all over town from one disaster to another to try to replace the tree.

This film was very funny! In fact, this was much better than I expected, and a vast improvement over the last one. We know these characters already, so they get right down to the humor from the very start. The jokes are rapid fire, and certainly there were a bunch of things I didn’t see coming. The jokes are really funny. The 3D is a real plus, simply because it’s cheesy. They joke around with the 3D effects and make fun of themselves all the while. This is what makes it really worthwhile to watch in 3D so you can be in the middle of the cheesy effects. There are some funny cameos too. Neil Patrick Harris is back again, and hysterical as the lead character in the Christmas Extravaganza. Now, Neil got killed in the last film, but we find out how he survived as well. It’s an adult film, for sure. There are some outrageous things, like a drug addicted baby, the Russian Mafia, and even a White Castle.

This was a fun film to watch in the theater, and I enjoyed it very much. I’m pretty sure it’ll be worth it to catch it on the big screen in 3D, so I’m sure the small screen DVD will work, but the humor is real, and it is a funny film. I enjoyed it a lot.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



Red Band (R RATED) Trailer below:



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