Grindstone Entertainment Group, Entertainment One, Paradox Entertainment,

Samuel L. Jackson, Dominic Cooper, Gloria Reuben, Ryan Robbins, Erin Karpluk, Dylan Taylor, Philippe Brenninkmeyer, Lane Styles

Mitch Brockton (Domenic Cooper) is rising star in the DA department. He never loses. But a bad choice one night finds him driving home after a party when he hit a pedestrian, calls 911 anonymously from a pay phone and heads home to avoid ruining his career. But much to his dismay, he is assigned to prosecute Clinton Davis (Samuel L Jackson) who has been charged with the crime. His conscience is in for a stormy week or two.

This is an interesting concept that has a lot of promise. Imagine being called on to prosecute a man for the crime you committed. But he is just beginning to scratch the surface of what happened that night. This could have been a much better film, however, than it was. It was pretty straight forward without much in the way of twists and turns. Everything that happened was pretty obvious. It wasn’t an awful film, and had some rather interesting parts, but for the most part it was a bit hum-drum and just predictable. There were no outstanding performances here, and even Samuel L Jackson was not near as good as he usually is. Basically I suspect they just did not have the best script and enough budget to completely pull this off. But it’s not a bad way to pass the time. It’s available for streaming, and if you like court dramas, this is a decent way to spend 90 minutes or so. Just be aware that it’s not outstanding in the genre.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Independent Edge FIlms, Téléfilm Canada, Three-Seven Entertainment,

Adrien Brody, Caroline Dhavernas, Ryan Robbins, Adrian Holmes, Adrian Hughes, Lloyd Adams, Mark McConchie, Jacob Blair

Known just as “Man”, Adrien Brody awakes in his car, crashed deep in a ravine, trapped and badly injured, hungry and thirsty, and with no recollection of how he got there. As he faces horrible odds to survive, gradually he starts to remember who he is, and what happened before this horrible accident occurred.

This is an interesting film. It’s one of those where we, like the character in the story, are faced with no knowledge of what’s going on or how he got there. We have no information either, and we feel like we’re with him, pinned in the car, with no idea what’s going on. We learn each piece of information with him, which is very suspenseful. It’s well acted. Adrien Brody is a master of his craft, certainly, and can really make the pain and confusion realistic. We live the confusion that he feel, and it’s hard to tell if what he’s seeing is real, or just his imagination from the dreadful situation, but the more we feel the terrible dread that he’s feeling, the more we identify with him. It’s very tense and discomforting to watch, and he does a terrific job. Gradually as we learn more about him, we feel even more discomfort as his horrible situation. Part mystery and part survival adventure, Wrecked is a really good suspense film, and one of those hidden gems that come along once in a while.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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Apollo 18 Productions, Bekmambetov Projects Ltd. (BPL)

Technically there is no cast because it would be awkward if the names of the “actors” were different than the names of the “characters” since this is actual NASA/DOD footage. But the actors are: Warren Christie, Lloyd Owen, Ryan Robbins

First there is a web site, as in “wikileaks” only it’s called . Like Wikileaks, the footage has been sitting there squashed by the Department of Defense since the 1970’s. It was leaked to the site, and posted on-line, only now the site has been censored by the government. But this film is made from the “found” footage.
After Apollo 17, the last mission to the moon, Apollo 18, 19, and 20 were scheduled. But they were scrubbed due to “budget considerations”. But 3 astronauts were actually sent to the moon in Apollo 18 on a top secret mission to deliver equipment for the Department of Defense. No one, not even their families knew where they were going. This is their story, and what they found there wasn’t an accident, and it was the reason for the mission was the last time anyone has gone to the moon.

OK, scary movies based on found footage and leaked secrets is nothing new. Blair Witch Project of course got away with it, as did the Paranormal Activity films, Cloverfield, The Last Exorcism and District 9. And like the others, this one is a fake, of course, and no one buys it anymore. (I take that back. Some reviewers were dumb enough to buy into it hook, line, and sinker). But it is a particular kind of film, and of that type, this one is pretty decent. The footage looks old and crappy because that was the technology in the early 1970’s. But it isn’t shaky hand held photography that makes you sick, that which ruined Blair Witch and Cloverfield, and District 9 to a great degree as well. It does seem silly to fork over 12 dollars to watch a film in 2011 with 1970’s quality mono audio and video, so that may make this a rental. However, it was extremely creepy, and gives you a strong feeling of “what if it really happened”. I think the suspense is a good a great classic Twilight Zone episode, and though most of the “scares” are really just loud sounds or sudden images with loud sounds that make you startled, not really scared. But the effects are good, and the feeling is right on for the material and you don’t notice the excellent video and sound when it does come on once in a while. The 70’s stuff is mixed in so well that you really feel like you’re watching old video.

All in all, I enjoyed the film. I just sat back and relaxed (when I wasn’t jumping out of my seat) and let the film tell it’s story. If you’re going to get angry because it says it’s real and it’s not, then stay away. You’re probably one of those who would have been in a panic the night Orson Welles “War of the Worlds” was on the radio. 🙂 But if you’re willing to suspend critical thinking and belief for a bit, and just enjoy this fairy tale, it isn’t half bad. I enjoyed it a lot and was glad I went to see it.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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