Dimension Films, Corvus Corax Productions, Outerbanks Entertainment

Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, David Arquette, Emma Roberts, Hayden Panettiere, Anthony Anderson, Alison Brie, Adam Brody, Anna Paquin, Lucy Hale, Kristen Bell

Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell) pretty much had her life ripped to shreds in the first three Scream movies. Well, she’s back in Woodsboro in a book tour to promote her self-help book. Writing the book has put her life back in order again, but Ghostface is back, and causing all kinds of havoc. Dewey (David Arquette) is now the sheriff, and Gale (Courteney Cox), the reporter who made a name for herself over the “Stab” franchise (a movie within a movie) is married to Dewey. Since everyone involved with the original killings is at risk, Ghostface is after all of them.

I have to say that it’s pretty funny that the Wayan’s brothers did such a great job of skewering these movies in their “Scary Movie” series, that I truly can’t remember the real story compared to the Scary Movie versions. I truly couldn’t figure out how Dewey was the sheriff when he was the killer in one of the films. Then I remembered that it wasn’t Dewey, it was Doofus in the Scary Movie satire. 🙂 Oh well. That’s the problem with this whole series. And I was rather disappointed in this one as well. I found it so similar to everything else, with nothing really new or interesting. The killings are almost all the same, and it’s just one after another which really gets boring. Were we spoiled by the other films like the Final Destination series or Saw, where they found new and interesting ways to kill someone. Ghostface is just dull. The moview wasn’t really suspenseful, nor was it very interesting.

Perhaps if you are a big fan of the original movies, you’ll enjoy seeing the same thing 10 years later, but even as a fan of horror films, I was way underwhelmed by this one. It’s ok as a rental, but certainly not something I would go out of my way to find. It’s just plain tedious. Some of the newer characters never took off either. Hayden Panettiere is a really strange annoying character in this one, and Emma Roberts is a pretty decent actress, but seemed really lost in this whole adventure. And the ending is really rather stupid.

EdG – EdsReview Dot Com – A Movie Review Blog



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